I just had a heaping spoonful of Cool Whip (the no fat variety, of course!) on my Sugar Free Black Cherry Jello last night...
you mean to tell moi, that blob of Cool Whip is still sittin' in the bottom of Leopard Woman's belly right now?
Sheesh! Now I have nothing seemingly sinful to look forward to and yet, Dear Kat, if it has that many preservatives, perhaps a facial with Cool Whip or a full bod massage in Cool Whip will end my quest for the Fountain of Youth - anybody up for pie-ing LW?
Hah! Loved your comments, Little Darlin'.
Brought back memories of my elementary school days.
I used to do experiments in my classrooms all the time, too. The kids' fave was when someone lost a tooth (which happened frequently as I taught combo grades 1st-2nd; 2nd-3rd; k-4th, etc.) - after the Fang Fairy visited - a kid would plop their tooth into a glass of Croakacola.
In a matter of days their little tooth had decayed and eroded away. That made the kids really understand the power of sugar and they began to drink more water rather than pop.