this goes with my first post

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this goes with my first post

Postby Leslie and Rick » June 12th, 2005, 4:54 am

Lost the body of my post in that last one...

I was saying that i went on a camping trip with my family.. it proved to be very stressful!!! I ended up going off my program on day 3 of the trip...and have been off for 3 days.. gained 7 lbs............

I thought I could handle that.. as I had been doing great on the program.. down 22 lbs in 3 weeks...

Im home now and not sure how to handle this failure.. feels like all the other failures i have had along my way with dieting...I am devastated that i did that....

has anyone experienced this????
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Postby martha » June 12th, 2005, 5:33 am

Leslie and Rick--- Sorry to hear you had a stressful camping trip-- I haven't had this happen yet on this program but have on many many others-- Just pick yourself up, dust off your pants and start back as soon as possible. we all mess up but the important thing is to not give up.. you can do this -- Quit beating yourself up!!!!!!You are still down 15# and will be back at 22# before you know it.. I am going to Branson on the 16th -24th of this month and worried about the same thing myself.. Have a great week.. keep your chin up and remember YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!
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Postby fedup » June 12th, 2005, 7:13 am

Yup! Martha's got it right! Just Pick yourself up and start up again, don't let it be a reason to keep off program. Things happen, you can't go backward, but are you going to go forward?

Also, I don't know if you're like me (a big worrier :roll: ) but I'd be worried that "oh my gosh if I gained that fast how am I ever gonna maintain when I'm done... is it worth it????" Well, IF you're thinking those thoughts, my opinion is that OF COURSE it's worth it and you would not have gained that quickly if you ate healthily. I'm guessing you went on an "eating binge" right? (Only saying that cause I did that when I went off program in the fall, didn't transition, just started eating EVERYTHING... and I gained EVERYTHING too!!) My point is just that when we go off MF the right way, increasing activity and eating healthy, saving up for those special splurges (not having them every day) we will maintain... so don't worry that you gained back, just move forward!

That's just what I'd have been worried about if it was me (and it was me last Fall!)... if you weren't thinking any of that just ignore me! ;)
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Postby want2Bthin » June 12th, 2005, 8:13 am

Leslie & Rick-

Don't worry about it- what is done is done. Today is a new beautiful day. :-P Making yourself feel bad will not do anything except make you feel like a failure and you are not one! :cry: You can do this. We are going to mess up from time to time- trust me, I know.

Don't give up.

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Postby volsfan199 » June 13th, 2005, 1:25 pm


I am glad you brought up the point about maintaining the weight after MF is over. If weight can be gain back so fast, is all this hard work going to be worth it?

I definitely think the answer is YES!

I am hoping this plan with help me totally change my lifestyle of what, and especially when I eat. Before, I didnt eat breakfast, most of the time I didnt eat lunch, and then have an ok supper. Then at night, after the kids would go to bed, I would sit down in front of the TV or computer, and would start craving snack foods. Little debbies, popcorn, potato chips, crackers and cheese, etc, etc, etc. All the things that are full of carbs and mostly high in fat and calories.

Now when I "eat" late, it is drinking my shake. Sometimes I do get hungry, but I try and stay busy to keep my mind off of food.

Last night, my husband brought home some little debbies, and I wanted one sooooo bad.
But I didnt eat one. I try and think "That (insert food here) may give me a moment of tasting pleasure at this moment, but five minutes from now, an hour from now, and the day after I eat it, I am going to feel so horrible and disappointed that I gave in." Its just not worth it.

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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » June 13th, 2005, 2:21 pm

I have chosen on a few occasions, such as vacation or trips to go off plan for a few days, and eat the things that I wanted. Now let me say that this was a clear and concise choice on my part, I wasn't fooling myself by thinking I could eat high caloric items and not gain some weight.
Yes I did gain a few pounds and as soon as I came home I went RIGHT
back on plan and lost them in a few short days as well. I didn't find it hard to do but I also did not try to convince myself that the calorie laden choices I made would not affect my weigh in's . I made the choice to eat these items and I took on the responsiblity of then going full force back on plan to lose the pounds I gained.
Losing weight and keeping it off are a life choice everyday, not just the time we choose to be on this plan. We have to be accountable to ourselves, no matter what anyone else thinks. If you choose to go off plan, be realistic, know you will gain or not lose any poundage during that time, then DON"T beat yourself up, just go back on plan and lose those pounds!! Don't think you've blown your whole loss, you haven't,but you can't just keep on eating badly. Get a grip, start over and KNOW that
you can lose those pounds again!

Do I think that after I reach goal I will be able to eat like I used to pre-MF?
But I will be able to indulge sometimes in less than healthy things, but I know the way to counteract and most importantly CONTROL my urges for an occasional forbidden snack or food item.

You can do this!
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