by Nancy » January 25th, 2005, 1:23 am
Hey People ~
You are all doing a fine job, Medifastingly speaking.
About comparisons:
We ALL want to lose the maximum flabbage in the shortest amount of time.
(Yeah, well there may be some out there in cyberland that say they don't want to lose fast, but deep down in their heart of hearts, I believe they want it GONE ASAP...)
We are all wired differently. Some of us are... uh "fresher" than others. Some are more "experienced" in life. (Is that a kinder and gentler way to say young and old?)
Some of us are men. They are generally taller and have more muscle mass compared to their fat mass. It's the way God created 'em.
Some of us are women. For the most part, we have more fat mass than muscle mass and are shorter than men.
Some of us have diabetes.
Some of us are residents of Menopause Manor.
Some have thyroid disease.
Some of us have auto-immune disorder.
Some of us take medications that affect our weight.
Some of us have been chubby a very long time; others for only a short time.
Some of us have yo-yo'd for years and years and have screwed up our metabolisms royally.
People who have a lot of weight to lose may lose at a faster rate initially than a person who has a moderate or a smaller amount of weight to lose.
Pretty dismal picture, eh?
Good news: Medifast works for almost everyone. IF you follow the guidelines exactly right, if you don't mess with Medifast - adding a little of this and a little of that, you will lose weight safely, faster and easier than other weight loss programs.
The AVERAGE weight loss is 2-4 pounds per week; men slightly higher.
Generally the first 2-3 weeks have the greatest losses, as some of the first week's loss is water weight. Occasionally there are some upward fluctuations the second week due to fluid re-balancing.
Each person will eventually be able to observe their body's weight loss pattern. Some of you will hold at the same weight for several days and then rid yourself of several pounds; others will lose about the same smaller amount every day but all in all, if you are average you'll lose 2-4 pounds per week.
Now about that comparison business - don't compare yourself to anyone else. You are unique!
Just do your very best every single day and you will reach a healthy weight and Medifast will just bless your socks off.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit