I waited a couple days to make sure my scale wasn't just posting a fluke weight to toy with my emotions... but sure enough, (and after losing another half a pound!) Im ready to believe it--
After 3 weeks of shakin' and slurpin' with no cheats, I've lost 11 pounds despite Aunt Flo coming to visit, and I now officially weigh less than I ever weighed my entire adult life. I couldn't even get this small last year when I was frantically working out and starving myself for months before my wedding. Heck, I think I weighed more than this when I was 4 years old...!
My husband was away for a week and when he returned yesterday, he said, "Your butt has shrunk! What have you been doing???" He now calls it my Incredible Shrinking Butt, and all my pants (even my "thin pants") are now so saggy that I had to go out and buy a new pair of high-heeled loafers to pick my pant legs up off the ground! (I figure the new pants can wait til I reach goal-- shoes are cheaper!)
I'm so glad I perservered through the week of Aunt Flo, when I lost only one pound-- after she left, all the weight did, too! I'm now only 7 pounds away from goal and I can't believe it's working this time. After dieting for 15 years, something finally works!!! Thank you Medifast!!! And thank you to everyone on the Board-- I'm so glad I found you. I couldn't have done three weeks of no cheats if I didn't visit this board eight times a day...

Thanks for listening!