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Postby TheShadow » June 9th, 2006, 1:08 pm

Okay, I'm starting my journal. This is day 10 and I am down 7 lbs so far. My top weight was 203, but I started the MF at 200.5. So today I am 193.5. I am not really having any trouble with this diet, the hardest thing for me is getting all the meals in. I am a total carb lover too, so I'm missing my bread and pasta. I've never been what you'd call a big eater, and I'm not keen on sweets really. So how did I get 70 lbs overweight??? After a 30 lb loss on fen-phen, I ended up gaining 45 lbs. Then the rest just crept on over the course of several years, like 5 lbs a year. I do like beer and wine and I think I have pretty poor "portion control" in that area. If I have one, I want 3 more. So I quit that about 3 weeks ago, cold turkey, no problem there. I still would like one (or 4), but I want to be thin again more. I was thin and had a sweet little bod until I was divorced about 13 years ago. I want my body back. I feel like an old lady because my knees hurt and my back aches and I'm so clumsy and move like an ox at this weight. Things are moving in the good direction now. Slowly, but faster than if I did nothing at all. And every other diet I tried (other than fen-phen) I stop losing after the first 5-7 lbs. So the next week will be crucial for me to believe that this will work and that the weight loss won't stop. Being hypothyrioid for the last 23 years has made it very hard for me to have any impact on my weight by dieting.
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Postby TheShadow » June 12th, 2006, 9:52 am

Day 14 and I'm at 9 lbs off. I'm so happy that the weight loss hasn't ground to a halt as it did with all my previous diets. I had a day to test my willpower this weekend. We went to an all-day outdour concert. There was beer and tr-tip sandwiches being consumed all around me. But I was strong and I had a couple shakes and it was no problem. I have another big test coming next weekend. We are going to our cabin for the weekend with friends and it is usually a drink and eat fest. Well this time I have told everyone that they will have to cook for themselves because I'm not going to slave in the kitchen and not get to eat any of it. I think I'll have a lot more fun without all the cooking! You can't really see y weight loss yet, but I did get my corduroys buttoned that had been unbuttonable. Yay!!
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Postby TheShadow » June 13th, 2006, 3:38 pm

Day 15, still at 9 lbs. I really have never been very hungry on this diet. I'm used to the shakes and other foods now and I just have to keep on keeping on. Nothing so hard about that. I try to make my L&G as tasty as I can, and I'm eating more veggies different ways so that I won't get bored. I'd love to toss them with some pasta....but I'd love to be thin more, so I won't.
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Postby TheShadow » June 14th, 2006, 12:25 pm

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10lbs at last. 2 weeks and 2 days. Not too bad. I was worried at first that everything would grind to a halt after 5 or 6 lbs. Just like all the other times I tried to lose this fat. Man, I am so happy. It is almost a half lb a day now. I feel like I can really stick with it. At first, I was not going to tell anyone except my hubby, because I thought they'd start in with being critical of the diet or something. Then I just started blabbing and now I don't care who knows. I hope that, when my weight loss starts to show, people ask me what I'm doing so that I can share this with them. When I see other fat people now, I wonder if they know that this can be so easy??? If I had known, I would have started years ago. When I am so thin that guys start checking me out, I'm going to get a tight little t-shirt that says "Ask me how I lost 70 lbs."
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Postby sidrah » June 16th, 2006, 6:49 pm

Yay! Go for the T-shirt

I feel for you. I end up doing all the cooking and I am not really in the mod to go overboard sometimes cause I know I won't have it. Then agian, when I am at home alone, I save lots of money on food shopping.

You can do it! 3-4 pounds each week and it is not stopping. Wow.
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Postby TheShadow » June 19th, 2006, 11:58 am

Somehow I made it through the weekend without falling off the diet. We had 10 of us in a cabin for the weekend. usually these weekends are a drinking and eating fest. I felt strangely pressured by my best friend when she bought a bottle of wine she wanted to share with me. I told her I wasn't drinking, and although she knows I'm serious about this, and she needs to lose weight too, she was like "come on, you can have one glass!" I wonder sometimes if some people just want to justify their own lack of will. She is disgusted with her own inability to lose weight but she's not at the place where she's willing to make the big changes that are necessary to lose. I've lost 12.5 lbs now and tomorrow morning will be my official 3 week weigh in. 4 lbs+ per week is great! I can do this. I am doing this!! I think that all my little cheater snacks are what is helping me stay on plan. I like the soy crisps and having sugar free popsicles and jello really make me feel like I'm having a treat. When I get the munchies for crunchies, I am eating celery and radishes.
I still don't think anyone else can see 12 lbs off yet, but I can feel it in the way my pants fit and my double chin is looking a little better.
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Postby wildtrk » June 19th, 2006, 12:45 pm

TheShadow wrote:I wonder sometimes if some people just want to justify their own lack of will. She is disgusted with her own inability to lose weight but she's not at the place where she's willing to make the big changes that are necessary to lose.

Some days you just have to want it more. And if you aren't ready to commit to the "want" then you aren't ready!

Good job on the 12lbs!
MF Start Date 4/14/06
10# - 4/26 40# - 5/25 70# - 7/27
20# - 5/04 50# - 6/18 80# - 8/31
30# - 5/15 60# - 7/1

New Start Date 1/22/10
Starting weight 355/345/199
10# - 2/2/10

"How long does getting thin take?" Pooh asked anxiously.
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Postby Prancer » June 19th, 2006, 1:06 pm

TheShadow wrote: I wonder sometimes if some people just want to justify their own lack of will. She is disgusted with her own inability to lose weight but she's not at the place where she's willing to make the big changes that are necessary to lose.

I am afraid to tell my friend for this reason. I think she will be the same way. She has undermined my efforts with losing weight every time. I think it is because she doesnt want to be the fat one when I lose weight.

you are doing a great job and should be proud of yourself!
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Postby TheShadow » June 20th, 2006, 11:25 am

Thanks guys for the support. It was interesting to note on the weekend that the ones who were supportive were the thin folks and the ones who were a little undermining were the overweight ones. I do think that the overweight friends feel it makes them look lazy or feel guilty about not trying harder when I'm being such a good girl. Well today was 3 weeks officially and I'm still at 12.5 lbs off. I think TOM is due any day now so that's probalby why I've stalled for a day, we'll see. I have been so pleased to be able to see a loss of a half a pound almost every day. That is so motivating to me. In all my previous diets, I stalled and got disgusted or got depressed and had a couple beers to drown my depression over not losing.... Not a very effective solution now that I see it typed out in black and white....Now if I get depressed over no loss, I will go out for a 2 mile walk. It will perk me up and help me ditch the plateau. Definitely a better plan.
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Postby TheShadow » June 20th, 2006, 11:35 am

Thanks guys for the support. It was interesting to note on the weekend that the ones who were supportive were the thin folks and the ones who were a little undermining were the overweight ones. I do think that the overweight friends feel it makes them look lazy or feel guilty about not trying harder when I'm being such a good girl. Well today was 3 weeks officially and I'm still at 12.5 lbs off. I think TOM is due any day now so that's probalby why I've stalled for a day, we'll see. I have been so pleased to be able to see a loss of a half a pound almost every day. That is so motivating to me. In all my previous diets, I stalled and got disgusted or got depressed and had a couple beers to drown my depression over not losing.... Not a very effective solution now that I see it typed out in black and white....Now if I get depressed over no loss, I will go out for a 2 mile walk. It will perk me up and help me ditch the plateau. Definitely a better plan.
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