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Postby Data_Diva » January 26th, 2006, 3:31 pm

I just want to start off by saying this forum is wonderful. I have probably read every post to date. I actually went through withdrawals while the board was down yesterday. I am officially on day 18 of doing Medifast. Not sure how much I have lost but I am definitely feeling better. I tried Medifast last year and had good results; not sure why I strayed. Other than I love food, cooking it and eating it. So this time around I decided I would come out of the woodwork and introduce myself. I am 34 years old (soon to be 35) and have been overweight to some degree since my teens. The weight is an emotional and physical burden that I am ready to be rid of. Everything else in my life has fallen into place. I have a wonderful husband and beautiful daughter. I get to work remote and I last June I fullfilled my dream of moving onto a sailboat. This fall we plan on heading out to do a circumnavigation of the Caribbean. I don't want to be hidden behind baggy tops and long shorts. I want to feel good about the way I look and not have my husband worry about me because I'm not nimble enough to be effective on the boat. I am going to do it this time and not fall back on old habits. So thank you all again for the inspiration that you have provided.

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Postby Trixie » January 26th, 2006, 3:38 pm

Welcome Nichole! You've come to the right place for inspiration.

There are several newbies on the board and lots of veterans too. We all work together to keep each other motivated and on track.

I'm 35 and work remote too. My fiance and I are Caribbean junkies and heading out on a sailboat is one of our dreams! I can't wait to hear more about your experiences.

I'll be watching for your progress.

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Postby falisamarie » January 26th, 2006, 3:59 pm

Hi Nichole!!! :wave: Welcome to the forum. I am fairly new here this is my 12th day on the program and I love it!!! It must be really cool living on a sailboat and I am glad you got to see that dream come true, now for your dream of being thin to come true and you are well on your way

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