And what attention I'm getting! Went to Circuit City last night and bought my reward The Sims 2 because I knew I was getting close. The lines were long. A good-looking young man came up to me (I wasn't even at the end of one of the long lines), and said he would check me out at a different register. I felt like royalty.

My best friend's husband said if I were walking down the street, he would definitely give me a second look out of the corner of his eye (as my friend clobbered him over the head with her purse). We all chuckled but I was a little embarrassed.

Went to my hairdresser, cut 5 inches off and got gold highlights. I now have a sexy doo, and then went to Ross's and got some black with black satin trim Guess jeans (sexy) $20! Next is my reward of learning to drive my husband's Harley Fat Boy. I hope to post some pictures as soon as I'm in training!

I'd like to express continual thanks to Nancy, Terry, and Tim for this forum, for the MF creators, everybody here, my friends and family and God for giving me the patience, strength and support, and myself for not straying to achieve this gift of happiness and health.

People, this plan works. Ta Da!!! I'm proof!

Here I go now, making a right turn onto Maintenance Drive...
