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Postby Nancy » February 17th, 2006, 1:54 am

Ya know, Little Darlin' I am not that well-versed regarding the South Beach Diet and their suggestions for salad dressings, as our program differs from theirs.

The Take Shape For Life program is my forte so I will tell you what I know - the total calories for the salad and the dressing should be about 80.

I look for dressings that are low in fat, and low in carbs. Many of the fatfree salad dressings actually have corn syrup to thicken them and may have fewer calories than the oil or mayo-based dressings, they still are 'expensive' calorically speaking.

I look for dressings with 20 or less cals per 2 tablespoons. Some things I've used for dressing include:

2 teaspoons of salsa
a squeeze of lemon juice (a small amt as lemons and limes have carbs, too)
Free Kraft™ Zesty Italian 15 cals/3 carbs in 2 Tablespoons
Lawry's 30 Minute Marinade™(yep, marinade - it is very flavorful, I water it down or use it on damp salad greens and use just a teensy) 10 cals/2 carbs - I like Havana Garlic & Lime, the Herb & Garlic and the Lemon Pepper

my fave: Bernstein's™ Fat Free Cheese & Garlic Italian 10 cals/2 carbs in 2 Tablespoons

I even like naked salad - who knew? I used to drench my salad in Roquefort or Bleu Cheese WITH a drizzle of French over the top of the cheesy dressing and of course there was a loaf of croutons on top of it all. I ate salad mountains!

P.S. I'd go with 1-2 cups of Sugar-free Jell-O and I'd favor the 1 cup.

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Postby Ginabobina1969 » February 17th, 2006, 6:19 am

Thanks so much for all the dressing ideas!! I stood in the dressing in the store,forever the other day comparing fat content...carb was sorta, overwhelming! lol

Lynda, I took your advice and last night ordered a digital food scale from target. I am in this for the long haul so really anything that helps me transition into the new way of eating is a worthy investment. Thanks so much!

I can't believe it made it through my first day and my hubby is still breathing.. :lol: I am still able to smile, laugh even being Sick as can be(gonna try to get into the doc today I think I might have strep) physically I feel fine as far as hunger and all that but my throat hurts really bad and this cough. UGH!

I was expecting to turn into a really mean mommy yesterday and truthfully there was only bad time through the whole day. Between 2 and 5 (around 4) I got REALLY hungry and tired all at once. Once I had my lean and green at 5 I felt much better and I think I saw where someone posted that maybe every 2-2 1/2 hours instead of three...I might have to try that.
I had:
-banana shake
-1/2 c sugarfree jello
-chicken noodle 1/2 boullion cube
-7 oz talapia grilled w/lemon pepper and 1 1/2 c summer squash and zuchinni sauteed with minced garlic I did eat half a stick of celery with this.
-caramel nut bar
-choc pudding

I liked everything really but the cappucino was hard for me to handle. I might try it with my coffee today.

I had exactly 64 oz of coffee and 1/2 glass of diet sprite Zero.... Man! I LOVE that stuff.

I know I type a lot..sorta my way of keeping things straight in my own head to write it down I guess. I hope ya'll don't mind.

Happy Shaking,

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Postby 2BHealthy » February 17th, 2006, 7:39 am

Hey Gina,

I like that you type a lot! I wish people would post more! I'm always anxious to get on here and see what everyone has to say! I'm sorry you are soooo sick. You should be so proud that you were able to stay on program feeling so lousy! If you suspect strep you should get to the Doctor asap so you will start feeling better! If you are doing good now, wait until you are at your normal health level. You will have energy to spare for sure!! I remembered your post about running to the potty all day and was laughing last night. I didn't have that problem my first day but OMG did it happen yesterday! I should have just moved into the bathroom to save me some time. :lol: I had the maple and brown sugar oatmeal with splenda this morning. Pretty good. :D Check in and let us know how you are doin'.
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Postby Unca_Tim » February 17th, 2006, 9:55 am

Hi Gina,
Am i missing something or did you only have a 4/1 yesterday?

That may be the reason you were hungry?
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Postby Nancy » February 17th, 2006, 10:56 am

:shock: Uh, oh, UT, methinks you better get your calculator or abacus out...JK.

1.) banana shake

2.) cappuccino -1/2 c sugar-free jell-o

3.)chicken noodle 1/2 boullion cube

1.) Lean and Green: 7 oz talapia grilled w/lemon pepper and 1 1/2 c summer squash and zucchini sautéed with minced garlic I did eat half a stick of celery with this. [Who knew celery could taste so good, eh? :lol: ]

4.) caramel nut bar

5.) choc pudding

You're doing great! If you get hungry, spacing the meals a snort closer or having an extra shake will help and not hinder your program - usually after a few days, you'll be okie doke.

Drink some hot herbal tea to bathe your throat and keep you well-hydrated. Hope your doc can see you right away (the next time the doc sees you, you will be thinner, your cholesterol and BP will be lower and you will be a picture of health!)

Sorry you're sick - we've got it here, too and there is a quarantine sign on the door warning friends and family to enter at their own risk and only if they are wearing a bio-hazard suit! Terry's been under the sheets for 8 days and my voice is going south, my voice is so raspy that I sound like a sultry singer in a smoky jazz joint!
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lol Unca..

Postby Ginabobina1969 » February 17th, 2006, 11:00 am

I *think your missing something. :?

banana shake
chicken noodle
caramel bar
and the Lean and green

Thanks for looking out for me tho. :D I appreciate it!

I went to the Doctor ya'll anddddd I DO have bronchitis so antibiotics and some sort of cough syrup with codeine(NO SUGAR) I have to tell you how out of touch I was with what I weighed cause she said in early Jan. when I was in there I was 276 :shock: I was 268 today so apparantly I have been loseing some weight before starting the program. Still it was over what 'I' thought my highest weight was. :|

I am resetting my ticker to todays weight tho. 268 She seemed very pleased with the loss and I did take the Medifast physician printout she looked over it said "good, good, can do that!" lol Also, she is allowing me to come in as a walk-in weight without having to pay a co-pay, once a week. Very cool! Since Thursday is the best time for Them thats what day I will be doing my weigh in's.

2b...How ya be today lady?

***Nancy I swear I must be lightheaded I didn't see your post after Unca's lol I came back to read the updates..and my eyes bugged out :shock: like how could I have completely missed Sorry to hear you all are sick too...crazy weather!! Thanks for the tips.
Blessings to you all,
Last edited by Ginabobina1969 on February 17th, 2006, 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby 2BHealthy » February 17th, 2006, 11:28 am

Yay she went to the Doctor! :thumbsup: You will be feeling better in no time now that you have your medicine. Don't worry about the couple extra pounds. They will be flying off in no time and it won't matter then anyway. I'm doin' pretty good, thanks for asking. I do get a little hungry sometimes but I am just trying to push through it. You are doing great!
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sorry to have mis informed you

Postby bokkie » February 17th, 2006, 11:50 am

I'm sorry to have mis informed you. I didn't mean to throw you off track by telling you that you could have cucumbers too. I don't like pickles or celery, so i will be sticking with my cucumbers. I do buy the english cucumbers and they are quite big, but i will cut an 1 to 1 1/2 inch piece and then cut it into small slices and put it into a snack bag for my snack. It comes out to weigh less than a pickle and it helps me stay on the program.

I hope you are doing well and once again, i am sorry to have misled you.
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Postby falisamarie » February 17th, 2006, 11:56 am


Don't feel bad or beat yourself up over it :hammerhead: We are all learning as we go and it is a lot to learn. I know that here they sell pickling cucumbers that are the size of a dill pickle so maybe you could find some of those. Again no worries we are all here learning by trial and error.

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Postby Ginabobina » February 17th, 2006, 11:56 am

Oh you didn't mislead me, no need to apologize either...Everything is cool as a pun intended. :lol: ;) We're all learning together! :) HUGS!

Your doing great!
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Postby Unca_Tim » February 17th, 2006, 12:05 pm

oooops....i misread the chicky noods to be a boullion snack.
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Postby SueInSLO » February 17th, 2006, 12:10 pm

oooops....i misread the chicky noods to be a boullion snack.

Uh Oh!! We're watching you Tim!!! :whip:


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Postby Unca_Tim » February 17th, 2006, 1:08 pm

:sheepjump: :sheepjump: :sheepjump:

Gotta love them sheep..:)
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digital scale

Postby JustLynda » February 17th, 2006, 9:10 pm

Hi Gina,

Hope you like the scale and sorry you're feeling puny. I'm sure it will pass in no time. Keep up the good work!

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