Hi Gang -
On the MF plan or any plan, drinking lots of water is good for your system and weight loss. But you knew that already right?
I've been an avid water drinker for over 20 years and I'd like to pass on my secret to drinking lots of water to anyone who is having trouble getting their 64oz in per day -
I like to drink water out of one quart water bottles that have the plastic straws built in them. I have them everywhere in my house - next to my chair where I watch TV, in the kitchen, on my nightstand, next to my computer. I even have water in my car. When I use a straw, I drink more. If you don't believe me, try it. When you get thirsty, take a couple of swallows from your water container. You'll be surprised how much of the water you've drunk. I go through a quart in no time.
Also, the more water I drink, the more water I crave. Pop, coffee, tea, etc, don't quench my thirst like water does.
Besides the benefits to your system, water also retards the skin wrinkling as we age. I'm 48 and have very few wrinkles on my face.
So happy drinking!