Jules, Martha, Aphrael and others...
The Essential 1 Chicken Breasts and the Beef Patties are very good and especially good for traveling - I just use the hotel coffee pot, run water through the coffee maker and pour it onto the chicken breast or patty.
Aphrael, I beg to differ with you...we do not recommend adding chicken, turkey, beef or any additional protein/carbs to the Medifast packets of Homestyle Chili or MF soup - each Medifast packet is a compete meal in and of itself.
One of the things we are learning during the weight loss phase is to eat small meals more frequently rather than larger meals. To maintain an even blood sugar level and to avoid food storage, we eat small meals evenly spaced throughout the day. In essence when a person adds part or all of their lean meat to a Medifast packet, it is like having a 1.5 meal portion at one time and a .5 meal later. We need the correct balance of the protein:carbs:fat just as each packet affords.