The 16 Week Mark

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

The 16 Week Mark

Postby Sylvia » August 24th, 2004, 10:50 am

Hi Everyone,

I just reached the 16 week mark which I somehow feel makes me a MF veteran. I thought I'd post both my results and some observations about the program etc., in the hope that it will help someone who is on the program or considering it.

First - my progress. I have lost 45.4 pounds with a goal of 70-75 total to lose. That puts me very near the average 16 week weight loss in the Johns Hopkins study (47.5, I believe). 50 is right around the corner - I can almost "taset" it! Let me also share the huge changes in my measurements. In some respects, the inches are almost more significant than the pounds. I have lost 6.5 inches from my bust, 9 1/2 from my waist, 10.5 from my hips, 4.5 from my thigh and 2.5 from my upper arm!

So what have I done? I started with the full fast, but as Nancy advises, had a small green salad every day. I did this for about 2 1/2 months but did use the modified plan occasionally (maybe once the first month and then once a week the second month and a half). I did not exercise during this time.

At the 2 1/2 month point, I began exercising regularly, almost daily and shifted to the modified plan most of the time. My weight loss continued at about the same rate after making this change but recognize that I am now exercising for about an hour most days.

In the last couple of weeks, I have noticed some increased boredom with the program. My weight loss has slowed a bit - mostly I believe because I have been straying a little. Nothing huge, but eating more than my allotment of protein, too many veggies or the like. I have never eaten anything strictly forbidden, but have definitely not been on the straight and narrow of late.

I will be going on vacation next week where I will remain on the modified plan, but immediately upon my return, I will be switching back to the full fast for a month to see if I can boost my weight loss. I will be buying the 70 shakes and probably adding a shake due to my exercise, but will back off the food.

A couple of observations - especially for some of the newbies or people considering this plan. This is not like other diets. It works and it is fast and powerful but it is very unforgiving. You can not cheat. You can not just have a little bite. You must comply EXACTLY with the program. If you don't, you will not lose weight quickly and you will not stay in ketosis. You have to make a commitment that you will do this, period. If you have a lot to lose, do it like Lois has with her 100 day challenge. It is a significant, yet manageable amount of time that will make a huge difference. Once you get there, you can reassess where you are and where you need to be and decide your next step. Just don't try this half way. You will not ultimately be successful and risk becoming demotivated.

Second, it is not hard to make this a habit - especially if you start out committed and keep on going. The risk is once that initial fire dims, once your weight loss (as it almost inevitably will) begins to slow, you being to fool yourself that you're ready to make good choices. That you can go off the program for a vacation, that you can eat a little here and there, now and then or just this once. It is really hard to recommit as we have seen from some of the board members who have struggled with this. I am having this problem to a lesser degree - now that I'm doing the modified plan, I am adding a little extra here and there. No big deal, I'm still losing weight, right? WRONG. My weight loss is slowing and I'm risking my ability to stay in ketosis. So, seems easy to fix, just stop doing the relatively small things I've started doing, right? WRONG again. Now that I'm doing them, I want to keep doing them and I have been unsuccessful at stopping. This is why I'm doing a recommitment to the full fast.

Anyway, thought my 16 week perspective might be helpful to some of you. Stay committed and keep on shaking!

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Postby Lois » August 24th, 2004, 12:48 pm


And thanks for such a GREAT post. What you have shared here is the voice of EXPERIENCE, and it will help a lot of people, especially those who are still rationalizing little bites, licks, tastes, etc.

It is true: MF works, but we have to comply with the program! And as Mike pointed out elsewhere, it's EXPENSIVE to keep using the products but not get serious, stick with the program, and lose the weight!

I know that so many of us here seem to "play around" with MF before getting down to business (I know I did!)...perhaps that's human nature...but when we finally "hit bottom" and muster the determination necessary to get the job done, the program WORKS and the support forum is a godsend.

I wish you the BEST as you strive on towards your goal!


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Postby explorthis » August 24th, 2004, 3:08 pm

My, oh my, what a great read this was.

This post could not have been anymore par for the course. Amen to every word that was written here, a TRUE Medifast believer, and a great success story

Sylvia, congratulations to you, this is SO well deserved!!!

Keep it up, you deserve every second of your glory, and more to come!!

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » August 24th, 2004, 4:37 pm

That is a great post, and congrats on your loss as well!

Started 8/2/2004
Next goal: 220!

Wow. That's all I know to say.
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Postby LongWay2go » August 25th, 2004, 6:30 am

Sylvia -

What an incredible post! You are SUCH a tremendous positive influence on all of us and how thoughtful of you to share your experience, good and bad, with all of us. Being in week 3 of the full fast, I can see where I could have gone through the same thing when I get ready to go to a modified plan. Now, thanks to you, I'll be prepared when that day comes!

You are our inspiration and deserve everyone's respect!

- Gerald
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Postby Sylvia » August 25th, 2004, 7:17 am

Thanks to all and glad if I could help any/all of you.

Thought I'd add a little positive postscript to my initial message. I went to my doctor about 3 weeks ago. I did not see him just before starting MF but had seen him recently enough and had recent labs to feel confident that I didn't have any major health problems losing weight wouldn't improve dramatically.

Anyway, I went b/c I have slightly high blood pressure and needed a regular check up. Unfortunately, this is hereditary, so it is unlikely I will ever be completely off BP medication. Mr doctor was thrilled with my weight loss and although unfamiliar with MF was supportive of it and happy with my exercising as well.

He ordered some lab tests and a cholesterol check. We agreed that if there we any problems with my cholesterol, there was no more I could do without medication and I feared this might be the case. A bit of history, in recent years, my cholesteral has been around 240. A different doctor was going to put me on medication but I got pregnant. The lowest it has ever been before now was 205 and at that time I was eating an almost exclusively vegetarian diet. Since my eating problem is more one of quantity than of quality, I was starting to feel like this was another hereditary thing I might just have to accept that I'd need to take medication for.

Well, I got my results yesterday. My cholesterol is normal at 176. Although I frankly am doing this more for vanity reasons than health ones, it is really rewarding to see such tangible health benefits. These results have also convinced me that I want to make MF (and soy protein in general) a part of my diet long term even after I'm done with the weight loss phase.

So while I've been a believer from day one in the power of MF for weight loss, I am now also sold on it from an overall health benefit perspective. Who knows - maybe I'll be talking to Nancy about becoming an advisor one of these days!!

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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » August 25th, 2004, 11:06 am


What a straightforward hit the nail on the head post. It really is a service to anyone considering MF. AND your testimony backs it up! We all know you can't cheat your way to success on this diet. Thanks for the no nonsense low down! It's reassuring and reaffirming.

Bless ya,
Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
Jun lost 20#=175#
Jul lost 14#=161#
Aug lost 7#=154#
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Postby Simmshe » August 26th, 2004, 10:45 pm

Thanks for sharing your experience Sylvia :)! I love seeing how great your perspective is about things. Perspective is not always easy for us to keep when we feel like we are making sacrifices without always having immediate gratification. And even though being on MF is a completely worthy sacrifice of giving up food to gain health and self-esteem, we can so often still easily become dismayed when our bodies aren't shrinking as fast as we had hoped. So, my hat's off to you :).

Shaking up your MF plan is such a great idea, and probably just what the doctor ordered to re-jumpstart your weight loss! When I read your post I thought that it would be nice to have a section on this forum specifically for long-time Medifasters to post their insights/experiences/success/tools. I think your post, and posts like these, are invaluable to newbies, and not-so-newbies, and should be earmarked for them. Just my thoughts :).

And I'm with you, too, with thinking about becoming a health advisor once I reach goal--I've already talked two people into Medifasting, and would have two more people wanting to get on board if they could afford it, just by sharing my experience and touting the plans and supplements (one is doing great, the other keeps starting and stopping!). And to be honest, I think Medifast sells itself, even though I know that, unfortunately, not everyone can do this successfully. I have been the "go-to" person about fitness and weight loss for several years now since I lost over 120lbs, total, a couple of years ago, so I'm accustomed to sharing and trying to motivate people all of the time. I made nutrition, exercise, metabolism, etc., my number one priority several years ago and went about learning with a passion--I was even advised to become a personal trainer (which I still might pursue certification one of these days) by a manager at my old gym. I know all about the science of things--it has just taken me longer to get the emotional part and compulsive eating part conquered! And like you, I definitely plan on incorporating MF products into my diet right along with veggies, fruits, lean protein, and the like!

All righty, time to hit the sack now--talk about insomnia tonight--I'm rambling :nutz:!

Cheering you all the way to goal by November--you are sooo going to meet your goal(s) :D!

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