I have probably been on every diet known to mankind. I've stopped and started so many times I couldn't even begin to count all my trials. The last year has been very difficult for me and my experiences have made made me look at my health critically. I had a cancer scare last summer (thank God the biopsy was benign), I lost my aunt Christmas Eve to lung cancer, and my uncle dx with lung cancer a month later and had to have one lung removed. I have joint and back problems and as life has become more painful I have had to cut my work hours. I developed pneumonia in mid-January and although the pneumonia went away, the weakness never left. After a full blood panel in March I found out I was severely anemic and had to begin taking xtra vitamins and iron supplements (yuck). We had a vacation to Orlando the first week of April and I was still so weak that I could only make it for 2-3 hours in the parks and I had to come back to the hotel to go to bed. When we got back home, I saw a program on TV and decided to go ahead and have Gastric Bypass. Our current ins does not cover, so I couldn't have the surgery until next year.
Something clicked in me once I made that decision and I decided I was going to give myself until the end of the year and try one last time before I made such a radical life change. I did see a dietician that was recommended by my health club. She was about as big as my little finger and told me to lose slowly. She stated she considered one of her clients who has lost 18 lbs PER YEAR for the past two years for a total of 36 pounds her most successful client. Let's just say that's not MY idea of success!!! I thought "heck I could lose that much in six weeks on Medifast" and my mind was made up!!!
Here I am starting with the supplies I have and placing an order today for the rest of the month. I am ready to be the healthy strong woman I haven't seen in about a decade. I am going to do it before I turn 40 this December.