The Thanksgiving compliance sign up sheet

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The Thanksgiving compliance sign up sheet

Postby DiamondintheRough » November 18th, 2008, 6:25 pm

Hello everyone. I have made a decision not to go off plan for Thanksgiving. Nothing is going to stand in my way. I AM going to get this weight off. I will be having turkey and I will bring my own salad, dressing and a jar of pickles so I can have one or two and share the rest. If you need motivation read the new post from Nancy this morning. She is awesome! Is there anyone else who plans to not cheat during the holidays? We can do this!
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Postby Gwenski » November 18th, 2008, 7:49 pm

I am ALL in. Already have my meals for the day planned (all my favorites)....just need people to give me times and I am set. Even have a digital scale to bring so I can weigh the Turkey.....everyone knows I am on MF and excited for me so there won't be any not eating pressure --that and no one gets my pies if they aren't helpful. No, it isn't extortion, I call it negotiating!

Happy T-Day planning one and all! The more days you are compliant, the closer you are to shedding the lbs. and reaching your goal!

Let's GO!

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Postby nickieluv » November 19th, 2008, 7:46 am

This kind of one-day pledge is something I can sign on for. Longer ones psych me out, but I am on board for a compliant turkey day. Besides, it's called turkey day, and we can have that, not pie-stuffing-potatoes-treats day. Sometimes it doesn't help to remember the holiday is supposed to be about family and not food - because my family is about food every time we get together, holiday or not. :roll: Going to my dad's this year, though, and he's very used to low-carb and dieting so there will not be pressure to 'try a bit of everything' like there is when we go to my sister-in-law's dinners. Long story short (is that even possible for me? :lol: ) yes, I'm in.
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Postby nickieluv » November 20th, 2008, 12:20 pm

It really is so much better to stay on plan. All those things will be there next year. My family doesn't have any proprietary recipes for Thanksgiving - it's the Christmas cookies that are going to be a bit tough. But my Dad doesn't make them every year (they are a very work-intensive cookie) so maybe he won't make them this year and I'll be fine. Let's just all get through Thanksgiving first, right? ;)
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Thanksgiving day

Postby medigirl » November 20th, 2008, 1:11 pm

Count me in on compliance for Turkey Day. I am going to make faux mashed potatoes. Steamed califlower blended in the blender with a little bouillion. It is yummy. My mom always makes the green bean casserole and that's off limits. Don't really like it anyway, but have always eaten it. Happy Thanksgiving.
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Postby nickieluv » November 20th, 2008, 1:19 pm

"Don't really like it anyway, but have always eaten it."

Doesn't that just sum up the whole holiday right there? We eat it because it's there. Time for a new way of eating!
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Postby Gwenski » November 21st, 2008, 1:44 pm

Add pumpkin pie spice to your oatmeal on the day and you will get the smells we are so trained to love...and a little of the flavor. I also think there are bath and body products that are very holiday-ish....very lush!

This faux mashed potato thing sounds interesting. Cauliflower and "good "never went in the same sentence with me before. I wonder if you bake it in the oven if it would get a buit of a crust and then spritz it with some I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray.....great, now I am too curious. What is the recipe?

Cookies? Did someone say cookies. My friend just called and asked if I could make his business 80 doz chocolate chip cookies! Well, of course I just had to march into the kitchen and make a single batch to see how many it yields (6 doz). NONE of it even got close to being near or into my mouth. Yeah, I am that weird girl who can bake and bake and bake and not eat it. The pleasure for me is the task, the smell and making others happy.

Taking back the holidays and making it not about food but family is great. Sure the food plays a rather huge chunk in it - aren't we a little brainwashed by those lovely commerials and FoodNetwork Shows about Thanksgiving. I know I get all warm and fuzzy watching a 4 second snippet of a family sitting down to a Turkey meal.

But playing family board games, gossiping, taking a nice walk through a beautiful park with great fall colors, just being together or watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade waiting for Santa at the end..........really being thankful for friends, family and wait ----- yourself. How is that for a nice thanksgiving day!

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Postby ladyhawke » November 22nd, 2008, 7:57 pm

I'm in, keep the great suggestions coming in, they are a great motivator.
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faux mashed potatoes

Postby medigirl » November 23rd, 2008, 11:41 am

to make the faux mashed potatoes I steam califlower and make some bouillion, chicken flavor. Put the califlower in the blender or food processor add a little bouillion and blend. Add pepper, garlic salt, whatever seasoning you like. Add bouillion until you get the consistency you like. I think the spritzing with I can't believe it's butter spray and putting in the oven sounds like a great idea and I am going to do that.
I have been making dark chocolate shakes in the morning with a little coffee and ice and blending up and it's a frappacino (sp) and delicious. Love the idea of pumpkin spice to the oatmeal. I may take oatmeal along so later when everyone is having that second piece of pie I'll have the yummy oatmeal for desert. Happy Thanksgiving!
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Postby DiamondintheRough » November 30th, 2008, 7:15 pm

I had a fantastic Thanksgiving Day! I did just what I carefully planned. I ate celery before I went to my In-laws house, so I wasn't very hungry. I brought my own salad and salad dressing and a jar of Vlasic zesty dills. The pickles were a hit with the whole family. I ate a little turkey and a little ham. I was comfortable and felt fabulous while everyone else was moaning and groaning because they ate too much. I plan on doing the same thing on Christmas. I also lost 3 pounds this week! First plateau over.... I will be 40 in early February. I want to lose as much as I can before that.
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