Oh The Temptation.....

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Oh The Temptation.....

Postby mmob » February 21st, 2006, 8:10 pm

My kids and I volunteer at the local Soup Kitchen on Tuesday and we deliver meals to shut ins.

Ok. Now tonight's meal smelled SOOOOOO yummy - even my 11yr old was saying "ooooh this smells so gooooood"!! LOL --- I had to drive around town for an hour smelling this amazingly enticing aroma!! It was a stir fry, and hot buttered rolls......

I came home and scarfed down my tuna and salad and had about 4 cups of hot tea trying to kill the urge to splurge......

I did it - but MAN this is gonna be tough - trapped in a car with all that food! LOL



Started MF 1/23/06 at 204.5lbs

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Postby Nicki » February 21st, 2006, 8:22 pm

Good job Maria, resisting that temptation! And what a wonderful thing you were doing in making those deliveries, you should be quite proud of yourself for both!
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Postby falisamarie » February 22nd, 2006, 6:48 am

I know that it is so hard to have to smell those foods and know you can't have them. For some reson they always seem to smell better to me now. Way to go to resist and drink that tea to help with the urges. You are teaching your kids such a valuable lesson and I can tell that you must be a loving and giving person to do this every week. You are truly a
Medi-angel :angel:

Lisa :heart:
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Postby Ginabobina1969 » February 22nd, 2006, 10:28 am

You did great! It is hard I know. Since day one on this diet I am still the meal preparer here and lunchbox packer..I made breakfast for dinner for the family last night and thats my favorite dinner.
I keep reminding myself...that is food I have been "enjoying" all my life in mass quantities. It will be there when I am in maintenance and beyond...because I can't have it now doesn't mean I can't have some..someday. lol

You should be proud...maybe eat your lean n green before delivery next time?


Previously...02/16/06 BMI-50 276/188
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