The Struggles

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The Struggles

Postby Maisy » May 5th, 2008, 4:05 am

Okay kids....alot of us seem to be on the downs, and not in the scale dept., so here's the question(s).

Who isn struggling? Who can offer ideas to help the struggling? and if you are struggling, what can we do to help?

Also, any ideas to keep us on track....
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Postby katieb920 » May 5th, 2008, 6:46 am

Here is my 2 cents. I have been on program on and off for a year. I have lost 60#

When I am on, I am on. Some of the things that help me are. Sugarless Gum.. Get a really spicy one so it will last in your mouth for a long time even after you spit your gum out.

Also I go to the studio pictures a lot. Not just Medifast, I will go on the the biggest losers, jenny craigs, weight watchers. I look at everyone and say wow if they can do it, I can do it.

Also I do come here even when I am off and I get help from everyone here. They kick my butt and say stop sulking get your butt back on program.

Good luck everyone.
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Postby cydj21 » May 5th, 2008, 6:54 am

Right now, I am actually not struggling. This is somewhat of a change for me. I think the difference has been embracing any loss registered on the scale instead of whining at myself that it wasn't enough or it wasn't good enough. I actually posted about this in my journal but I will put it down here, too, because I feel it is relevant...

Remember that ultimately, every loss counts. It is all cumulative. I have had weeks of supreme frustration when I only register a 0.6lb or 1lb or 2lb or 3lb loss, but each pound lost is one pound less we have to lose. This week is a prime example. I lost 3lbs, but hit what I consider to be three major milestones...and 3lbs ago that was not the case. Every loss is worth celebrating...and I think this is a good reminder to myself that it truly is not a cop out to coach oneself to remember that a pound lost is a pound lost and not gained and that it is truly a big deal worthy of a pat on the back.

As of these 3lbs lost, I am officially joining the ranks in the 80# Club. I have hit the 180s...something I have been struggling to do for months. To top it all off, less than 20lbs from now I will have lost a whopping 100lbs! All of that fuels me to keep pushing forward and reminds me that focusing on the positive is a big step toward being succesful. Most of all, I don't sweat the small stuff. I focus on one day, one week, one month, one small goal at a time, keep my focus short term, and try to avoid obstacles where I know I am setting myself up to trip up. The bottom line is - if you're struggling and you know you're one of those who is hard on yourself, try to switch your mind set and give yourself credit for your accomplishments to date and focus how great it will feel to keep on accomplishing.
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Postby Maisy » May 5th, 2008, 7:00 am

For the reacord Katie and two so rock.!!!!

Hello everyone out there, come forward, be heard, lets get motivated....or else.

What or else? I will pipe Richard Simmons into your dreams :) Just kidding...
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Postby Maisy » May 5th, 2008, 7:04 am

As for me I am at the get back on track 3 days of he&#, cause despite my best intentions, I was not the best camper in Jamaica. I really did not pig, actually the alcohol was the temptation, but I can honestly say, I was the good girl of the four of us. :angel:

My oldest son is coming for a visit in July....223 is my goal, lofty, but doable, if I don't see it I don't care, just being OP will have desired result, I will be slimmer and healthier.

Oh motivation, HELLLOOOOO????? Did you see the picture, making a mouse pad out of it, a CONSTANT reminder.
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Postby Mike » May 5th, 2008, 11:42 am

Katie pretty much said my piece. :yourock: I've been working on losing my weight since July of 2003. :couch: I lost a bunch (160) then regained 50 before starting this program. I've lost and gained on this program (lose 5 gain em back, lose em again) but thats because I have trouble staying with it 100% all the time. :deadhorse: I go through phases where I am happy with where I am for a while (some whiles are longer than others). :idontknow:
Currently, I am tired of being where I am. :question: I keep having the intention of sticking to it, its a complete mind thing. Sometimes I really wish there was a brain surgery that could fix this. :hammerhead:
Lately I have felt really good about myself, which is in turn the whole basis of sticking to any program. :kool: If you don't have good self esteem, you don't really care about being healthier (at least in my own personal experience). :yawn:
My plan is to stick with it until I am at my main goal so that I can maintain that and then have my excess flab removed. I am ready to get there at this point. Please pray that I stay in that mindset. :bighug:
Pre WLS 460
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Postby summergirl » May 5th, 2008, 1:20 pm

Prior to my prego status, I was indeed struggling... I think it started with my week 3/4 stall out. I was doing everything perfectly and just not losing much-like less than a pound in a week. Then, I would throw in a cookie here or a bite of my daughter's cereal there and before you know it, not making much progress at all.

What I do know is that (although I can't be on MF right now) I do feel better when I'm "ON" than I do when I'm off. I swear to you, that the first day I was on it, I walked around with my head held high, so proud of what I was doing... I saw people in drive thru's and felt sorry for them not to be doing medifast... I walked around like I knew a little secret. When my clothes got looser, I felt even more convinced that this was the path for me. I liked the food, and this board helps a TON!!! I hope to still be involved to the extent that I can be. Unfortunately, the nausea has officially started and the thought of my MF food isn't doing me any favors, for the time being. Bummed about that, but what I do want is nonfat plain organic (Nancy's) yogurt and berries. I suppose there are worse things in life than that.

Keep it up everyone. I look forward to you progress, although I will be jealous at the same time ;)
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