by explorthis » December 18th, 2003, 11:58 am
I have been semi-reprimanded before regarding my "what to do, and what not to do" theory's... but, this works for me... I am not a Medifast associate, but I am a tried/true Medifast student.
First, remember, you are going thru a HUGE change, to your body/metabolism/digestive systems... You are relatively new to the program. It WILL take while for your body to adjust. Give it a little time. I am not trying to tell you what to eat, or not to eat, or how many drinks or replacememt meals to consume, but from my own expierience (I choose the full fast and I stand by it 1000%) I know you will eventually, after only a short stint on the program, (4-5-6 days of HONEST MEDIFAST) NOT BE HUNGRY. You are hungry now, or think you are hungry, because you are used to eating all the time (at least I was).
My opinion:
Instead of worrying about how many of this, or how many of that you get, why not give the true fasting part a try, with the drinks and see where you are, see how you feel, before trying to incorporate a bunch of other stuff into the program. I know these items are allowed, but again, your body will eventually accept your new "fasting" mode, and tell you it is working, by telling you you are NOT HUNGRY. Once your acclimated to it, then decide what is working, and what is not working. Remember, as posted numerous times, we did not get this way overnite, bur over a LONG period of time. The weight will not miraculously come off overnite, but it will come off quickly if you are true to the program.
Please don't take this as lecturing, because this is not my intent. I want you to suceed as I have, it works if you give it a chance.
Trust me...