As the others have already said...

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

As the others have already said...

Postby LAwoman » April 8th, 2005, 8:32 pm

....Yeah!!! Nancy's back! :cheerleader:

I'm sorry to hear you were in a "funk." I truly thank you for sharing that information and how you dealt (are dealing) with that aspect of your life.

From someone who has had such an incredible weight loss & maintenance, it is a great reminder for us all that there are other ways to deal with life's issues besides food.

Everyone on these boards has been filled with wonderful advice, inspiration, motivation, and help, but we missed you.

So take those breaks whenever you need them, but just know you really make this forum a special place and I thank you!

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she's back

Postby MFuser » April 9th, 2005, 9:15 am

I just started using MF and read these boards for a while first. Everyone is really helpful here. I also enjoy reading your newsletters Nancy. Thanks for all your insight. You really seem to know how to balance gentleness and directness when necessary.
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Postby Nancy » April 9th, 2005, 11:51 am

Thank you, Friends ~

Balance is really the key. I have learned a lot about how to balance my life since I began my Medifast Journey.

For many of us Foodies, we have the tendency to overdo it - in many areas of our lives. Often we are perfectionistic and it is all or nothing.

When conditions or things are not perfect, we don't start our weight loss eating plan or begin our exercise routine. Because life is wonky, we delay doing the right things for ourselves.

We can overdo exercise, overdo eating and overdo NOT eating. For years I overdid everything! Too much is too much. Not enough is not good either.

Terry and I were just talking the other day about how frustrating it is for me when people want to mess with the program - they skip meals, eat less meat than the program specifies, add a little bit of this and some of that...we talked about how less is not more, more is not good but rather, "enough is enough." Enough is just right.

This weekend Terry and I are joint preaching and one of our points is about having the right values – to clarify what is important and to change our lifestyle if our actions do not match with what we deem to be important. Walk and talk need to match.

When I feel like life is pressing in on me and giving me the old mental squeeze, I need to renew my mind and to see beautiful things – the sea and flowers always lift my spirit. We have a beautiful pond and water fall in our cottage yard built by Unca and the sound of the water is so soothing. The flowers are not quite ready to bloom yet so I just needed a little get away rather than a BIG eataway!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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