I've hit it. That stupid brick wall, the one that I always run into eventually. The one that sits there blocking me from going any further. That stinkin wall that makes me believe that I'm stuck and can't reach my goal no matter what I do. I hate this wall. I've yet to figure out how to get past it. This wall is made up of many types of bricks. The "fear of success" brick. The "poor me, this is taking too long" brick. The "I've been doing this since March and need a break" brick. I know there are others but those are the big ones. Unfortunately, my control has gone COMPLETELY. It took just one cheat, during PMS no less, and here I am, struggling to get through "day one" again. Why can't I get my resolve back? Gaining weight back IS NOT an option for me, so I will find a way. But how? I'm hoping that when the old "aunt" is here for the month the mad munchies will go away. But I can't figure out why I'm having such a hard time this month! I've breezed through PMS up until now. What's different? That I'm out of ketosis and my body is reacting badly? I dunno. I've been a basket case today, not just with food. My poor little one didn't want to drink his sippy and I got all irrationally ticked off. Not my proudest moment, needless to say. I bawled my eyes out afterward because I felt terrible and then my husband calls to tell me he's working two hours late. Bawled some more. And then, my little one, just after I got angry with him, comes over to me, sees that I'm crying and pats me on the head, rubs my shoulder and gives me a hug. Yeah, I'm the worst mom ever and he's the sweetest little thing. Then, my husband is upstairs puttinh Zack to bed and I'm like a stinkin squirrel downstairs looking for things to stuff in my face. I wasn't really hungry, that's for sure. Just needed comfort I suppose. I knew there was white chocolate chips in the house and realized my husband had hidden them. I gotta tell ya, I was pathetic. Searching high and low in the pantry. Then out in his truck. I even tried to get it out of him where they were but he wasn't budging. Finally I made a comment about they're going to melt into a big ball of chocolate because it's warm out and he just smiled this little, almost arrogant smile like, no they won't. I knew right then and there they were in the freezer and I found the stupid things. I was tackled. Literally. I think I said if you touch these I will smack you upside the head with them, and other various and assorted threats. (I would never, by the way). He tried so hard to get me to not eat them. I won. I did not eat the whole bag, for the record. Was ANY of this worth it? Heck no. Do I feel better? Nope. Actually, feeling pretty depressed and scared. Scared because I'm afraid I've lost it. I only have 25 stinkin lbs to go for crying out loud! What is WRONG with me???????
Well, tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully the wall will be a little easier to get past, even a little bit. I'm bound and determined to get my solid as a rock mindset back. I KNOW the program works, I don't doubt that for a second. I just need to work now. I need to do my part. Wish me luck.
Thanks for listening to my rant and vent.