by supermom » December 2nd, 2006, 5:30 pm
Not nearly as serious as we had thought it might be. Although, I am missing some lymph nodes on my right side now, and my right boob is considerably smaller than the left!! But oh well. In the grand scheme of things, it is really quite insignificant. So, obviously, I had the dreaded and feared mammogram that I had posted about a few months ago. But, I am okay. Ya'll just keep us in your prayers.
My son Jake has a checkup with his oncologist on Dec. 22, and Billy has been sick. His poor little lung (for you newbies, the baby was 17 weeks premature and weighed just a little over a pound--he is 15 months old, weighs 17 pounds and has only one working lung. The other lung is there, and it is growing. The hopes are that healthy tissue will outgrow the diseased tissue by the time he is about 5 years old or so!) has been working so hard. He seems to catch every bug that comes around. This time of year, he just coughs and coughs and coughs. He takes monthly synagis injections to prevent RSV, but they don't prevent general respiratory infections. For $2500 a shot, they should prevent more than just RSV, but they don't. So, the $2500 a month is why I am on hiatus from MF. Trying to be sensible with choices, though. I will be back on the mediwagon as soon as I am financially able. I froze a TON of veggies from the garden this summer, and we process our own beef. So, the only things we buy are dairy, condiments, fish, etc... We even have fresh chicken and fresh eggs daily.
Sorry, don't mean to blab or throw myself a pitty party. I really am doing good, and so is everyone else in our home. Ya'll just remember to keep us all in your prayers and ask that God continue to bring us good health.
And everyone that has reached goal and other milestones------A BIG congratulations goes out to ya'll!!!!