1. My skin has never been so clear. Even the little bumps on my arms are gone. Even today, with the impending visit from Aunt Flo, my skin is clear. Amazing.
2. Energy. I just feel like I have so much more energy than I used to. Usually I get a little anemic before Aunt Flo - but no more it seems.
3. My hair and nails are growing like crazy. My hairdresser, two weeks ago, yelled at me for going too long between haircuts, when I pointed out to her that I had been there only 5 weeks eariler. It looked like at least 2 months of growth!
Its become quite clear to me that I've never ate such a balanced diet - ever. The only problem is that because pretty much all food has been cut out, it makes it hard for me to tell which foods are the offenders that clog my pores.

So what else have you guys noticed? Anything similar?
