The Medifast Commercial

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The Medifast Commercial

Postby TamiL » May 11th, 2004, 5:35 am

Hey Y'all ;)
Im getting ready for my best friend in the whole world to visit..shes orginally from Georgia..a little southern belle with the best southern accent!! Im sooo excited she is coming in a few I got to brush up on my southern drawl here in massachusetts!! hahahaha!

I havent weighed this week..I have been working out again, went back to the I know that may affect my number on the scale, but let me tell clothes are HANGING off of me latley....its the working out doing that!! inches coming off FINALLY!! but my Green goal pants are getting to fit better...I figure by the end of June I will be in them!! yahooooooo!!

I wanted to share a little something..yesterday while I was on the elliptical machine at the Gym...I was watching the TV..and I SAW THE MEDIFAST Commercial FINALLY...I have heard all of you talking about it..but NEVER saw it here...

at first I PANICED cuz now that they are playing the commercial out here...everyone will see the product boxes and then see my little "stash" at work..and KNOW what I am doing...they pretty much know already..but I just never went into detail about what Medifast was...just that I was on a Protien shake kick...etc....then my second thought was "screw it...who cares...IM PROUD to say that MEDIFAST is working for me" and then I thought....WE NEED TO FIND A WAY TO GET ON THAT COMMERCIAL!! lol!! the thought of Mike in his Medifast T-shirt came to mind!! the pictures of Jeanette...and Nancy....jeeeeez you guys..we need to put our heads together!! they are MISSING OUT ON THE GREATEST MEDIFAST LOOSERS for thier commericals!! we are all RIGHT HERE!! :) we will be discovered some day!!!!!!

Welcome to all the newbies...I wish I had more time to post latley..but busy at work...that time of year where I get greedy and take all the overtime while people are on vacation!! ;)
This forum is the best place to come with a warm cup of coffee and just reflect on all the posts...its great to be a part of this!!
Medifast works...stay faithful to it..if you fall off the Train..just hop right back on...your always guaranteed a seat to thinville!!
Happy shakin guys....hugs to ya all!! :toast:


Medifast RESTART 13 March 09
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Postby explorthis » May 11th, 2004, 7:31 am

Mike in his Medifast T-shirt came to mind!!
Pictures of Jeanette and Nancy....jeeeeez you guys. we need to put our heads together!! They are MISSING OUT ON THE GREATEST MEDIFAST LOOSERS for their commercials!! we are all RIGHT HERE!!

AMEN! I had approached Nancy moons ago about the same thing. When I was about 80% to my goal, I wanted to share it with the world. I, you, Jeanette, and many others are walking talking billboards. I don’t even think I would charge them, but would gladly be in a commercial, just to help one person feel the (say it with me) EUPHORIC feeling I have. They are missing the boat here, free advertising. We could make a commercial to end all commercials. Nancy, Tim and Terry’s phone would be ringing non stop 24/7 once we got through.

Oh well, we are doing fine here. Helping our small community. We will do what we can, their loss I ‘spose.

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Postby elle4nelly » May 11th, 2004, 11:51 am glad to see you feeling good! And mike? You really should be the next Poster Boy for Medifast!!!!!!!
Heck...we could have some reality show too!!


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