by sydney_gavin » January 24th, 2007, 9:55 pm
I can totally understand this - at my work in China the toilet is miles away and I have beaten a path there in the last three weeks and worn away the tiles not to mention the plumbing!
But that is nothing compared to my experience last weekend hehehe - I went to buy some DVD's from the 'copy' market and by the time i found a park I was 'busting' real tie a reef knot in it type of busting - looking for a tree or a back alley - somewhere I could go - but this is China and there are millions of people around everywhere so I had to dance and imagine dry dusty deserts!
As soon as I got to the hidden place I asked for the toilet and was directed to the next flor - a dingy horrible little restaurant with dingy horrible people hanging around - they all laughed their heads of at the sight of a foreigner big nose in such a place and directed me down another corridor, ditto for the next stop - more people, more laughter, another floor up until 5 times I was redirected to a loo - boy, it took a while for my teeth to float back down into their sockets hehehe
But then again, I could have been like the woman who died of water intoxication - so it probably wasn't that bad.
Kind regards
Act as if it all depended on you; pray as if it all depended on God.