The last 10 lbs

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The last 10 lbs

Postby gr8bnme » March 2nd, 2006, 9:07 am

How long will the last 10 lbs take? I think it's gonna take 2.5 more months.... ugggg. People at work keep telling me that i'm too skinny. it's starting to make me feel like i need to stop. but according to my BMI, i'm still overweight (by 1.5 pounds)... i'm thinking of changing my goal to 123. Anyway, i'm starting to feel discouraged because i only lost 3.5 pounds in the last month and it feels like i'm never gonna get to transition :x .
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Postby ljm498 » March 2nd, 2006, 11:15 am

I so very much know exactly how you feel right now. These last 10 are just creeping along and the thing that's killing me is I may get to 125 and feel another 5 more is in order. Don't know for sure, I will see when I get there. Yup, the body has had these last pounds the longest and just doesn't want to give them up. But, we will stick to it and it WILL GO. And don't let anyone tell you when you're done. Only YOU will know when you are done. I've had plenty of people say the same things to me and I just smile and say that my goal is perfectly well within what's considered my normal weight range. The only person I take any "advice" from is my husband because he actually sees the last bit of lumpage I have on the hips and in the tummy so he "gets it". Allthough I have instructed him to cautiously intervene if I start getting ridiculous with losing more than I should.

Good luck to you. Stick with the program and these last few stragglers will come off. I'm sure of it! :lol:

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Postby Nancy » March 2nd, 2006, 11:21 am

Dear Gr8bnme ~

:hug: Awww...this has been a slow month for you and it must feel like you are down to your last layers and your last nerve, too. I betcha you :whistle: look mighty fine and it can be :lightbeam: tough to stick it out when family and friends are waving the 'stop' sign. Happened to me, too.

It is best to go all the way to your goal before beginning transition as there will be some weight fluctuations during transition - some initial gains but then it drops off and levels out.

Perhaps you could rearrange your schedule a little - like eliminate bars or not have them as frequently, make a change in your exercise habits or maybe you have done that recently and your body put on more muscle weight.

Are you getting plenty of sleep?

Your body just may need this resting stage before it picks up speed to melt away those last few fluffies; they have been there the longest and they may just like living there - but don't despair, they will go, too.

Have you made any changes recently in your routine that could attribute to the slow-down, or has it been business as usual?

How tall are you?
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Postby gr8bnme » March 2nd, 2006, 1:09 pm

Well, i'm 5'0" and i haven't made any changes to anything which may be the problem. i loooooove my bars and would hate to give them up but maybe i need to. i had been losing at least 6 pounds a month each month somtimes more, so this 3.5 pound month is a real disappointment. i haven't really exercised much through this journey and maybe i need to. it's just so discouraging because i'm ready to be done. i may have the equivalent of high school senioritis ... but i'm gonna stick to it until i reach my goal of 120. i was thinking maybe i should do full fast for a month... what do you think about that idea?
Last edited by gr8bnme on March 2nd, 2006, 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
5'0", 31
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Postby gr8bnme » March 2nd, 2006, 1:13 pm

Thanks Lynne... it's nice to know that other people are having the same issues as me. My mom gets so mad when i tell her about my co-workers and their comments. "I've got some meat and potatoes for ya"... "don't lose anymore weight, you're gonna look like 2 toothpicks"... "a black man needs something to hold on to, what does your husband think?"... and the comments go on and on. I usually just laugh and I told the guy that my husband says whatever makes me happy.

I went shopping and I bought a size 4 pants!!! I had no idea, i thought I was an 8. That also made me think well, maybe these guys are right, maybe I shouldn't lose more weight. But i'm thinking 9.5 more pounds, i'll still be a 4.

I keep shaking on with you Lynne, we are about in the same boat... Good luck with your last 6 pounds!!
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Postby Nancy » March 2nd, 2006, 1:17 pm

I don't think you need to change program at all, it will make transition more difficult.

If you haven't exercised at all, now is the time to definitely begin walking. The weather may be improving in your area and a 20 minute brisk walk will help you to feel positive and begin to firm and tone your muscles. Drink plenty of water!

It does seem like senioritis hits us all! That's the time when we must view our program just as seriously as when we first started the weight loss journey - be sure that you are eating your meals on time, that you are drinking all your water and that your Lean and Green meals are of the correct proportions. Try having the bar earlier in the afternoon or every other day for a few days.

Sometimes a simple review of our day can reveal that there are things we've allowed to slip - extra salad dressing, a smidge more meat over the course of 31 days adds up to a slower loss. You are getting close!
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Postby SueInSLO » March 2nd, 2006, 1:17 pm

Hi gr8bnme! :wave:

I just want to say that you've done an awesome job!!! People like you inspire me.

Thanks for sharing and good luck on the last few pounds.

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Postby gr8bnme » March 2nd, 2006, 1:31 pm

Thanks for the advice, Nancy... you may be right about the little extra of this and that. i normally eyeball the meat and the veggies and salad. ... i'll go back to measuring and start exercising... perhaps i'll do the every other day on the bar thing (that'll be so hard :cry: )

Thanks Sue. You'll be there in no time. I can't wait to post my before and after pics. i just have to get to the after first... Maybe with Nancy's tips it'll happen a little faster (i hope) :-P
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Postby Ginabobina1969 » March 2nd, 2006, 2:57 pm

Your a real inspiration Gr8 ..seeing how far you have come just keeps my motivation levels tweaked.

You know how to work this program and I am sure in no time at all you will be announcing that you reached goal and are ready to party hearty!! :D

My hubby is one of "those" black men your coworkers that likes something to hold onto and although he is very supportive of my loseing weight, he has commented several times that I shouldn't lose too much or get too thin. :roll: I told him not toknock it till he's tried :lol:

Hang in there, you can do it!!


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Postby Nancy » March 3rd, 2006, 12:19 am

Gr8 ~

If you can't live without your bars, you could cut it into two pieces and have half of the bar one day and the other half the next day. Use a half a shake packet for the other part of the meal so the cals/carbs are less than they would be if you ate the whole bar. You'll still have a balanced meal each day with the half bar/half shake together as the full meal.

Use the bars on the days you exercise - you could make a personal rule that a 20 minute brisk walk is the 'ticket' for your bar.

No walkage, no barage!

Cut that bar into smidges and eat it over the course of late morning and afternoon so it's not all consumed at once; the minibites may keep your blood sugar steady and yet not be such a large amount of cals/carbs at one time. Just a thought.

You are going to get there...the thinnin' process is HARD work!
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