The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Along the Road to Thinville

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Postby monkeymom » February 26th, 2005, 7:54 pm

Glad to hear that you have gotten started and your mind is focused on success. Remember, everytime you have a shake, bar, soup, etc....instead of fast food, candy, whatever............every time is a success. Pounds and inches are great successes and motivations also.........but everytime you make a good eating choice, or you choose to drink another glass of water...........those are the successes that ultimately lead you to victory.
So if a year seems overwhelming, or a month, a week or even a day......... pat yourself on the back all the time you are shaking and slurping. Those pats on the back start to feel pretty darn good, and you will be desiring those more than fast food before you know it.
I hope the rest of your day has gone well and tomorrow is great for you, it will set your mood for a FABULOUS Monday.
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Postby jene115 » March 3rd, 2005, 9:00 pm

This week totally, utterly, positively sucks. It's probably been the longest work week I've ever experienced. I worked late Monday, Tuesday and tonight I worked until 8. I already have 40 hours and it's only Thursday.

Yesterday was the morning to end all mornings. I was getting ready to leave for work and I opened the fridge to take out my shake and it dropped to the floor, the plastic shaker cup split and I had orange shake all over my kitchen floor, the fridge, the cabinets and my kittie's food. I can't bend because of my knees so cleaning it up was so much fun. Then, my little kitty decided to pee on the carpet and I had to chase her down to rub her face in it and say no. That lasted for 10 minutes.

On I-10 East, I was almost to downtown when a valve cover from an 18-wheeler flies off someone's tire and is coming right toward my windshield. I saw my life flash before my eyes, but thankfully, it just glanced off the windshield and didn't crack it, but left a mark. This happened in a matter of seconds, but it was very scary.

Okay, I know everyone is wondering. No, I have not been on MF all the way this week. I've been exhausted and frankly, all I want to do is sleep. I've lost 5 pounds and have kept it off, so all is not lost (no pun intended). My boss will be out of town tomorrow, so I'm taking the opportunity to relax (at work) and catch up on the stuff I never got to work on this week.

Some yahoo called me last night at 10:45 CST. I was sound asleep and they had the gall to call three times and never leave a message. So I've not only been overworked but I haven't had good sleep all week.

This is why I haven't been around here much. I don't need a kick in the pants or anything else. I'm just wiped out and except for a pizza I ordered Sunday night (threw the rest out), I've been eating okay, just not all MF, some salads, some Subway, whatever people were going and could bring something back to me.

Since tomorrow will be stress free (boss gone), it will be a good revamp day.
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Postby cthrn007 » March 3rd, 2005, 10:01 pm

Hey Jen!!!

I am sorry you had such a challenging week... wow... that tire story even scared me! You are lucky you got outta that one OK!

Your kitty-pee-lecture made me laugh (with you though not at you because I have a kitty too). My sales partner has 6 cats... yep...six. Every morning about 6:55 or so my cell phone rings. I am SOOO not a morning person so I almost don't want to answer it yet sometimes. I kid you not - every morning I get an update like that about who peed where, etc. You are definitely not alone on that one! Probably doesn't make you feel any better but she called this morning to cry to me (husband is out of town) because she slipped in kitty barf and hit her head. She was ok but all day we were on very serious appointments together and people would ask her what happened - it cracked me up all day because that is not a pretty story to tell! So we can definitely sympathize with you!!

Hang in there jene & enjoy your day without the boss... I need to look back and remember who said to us earlier... to take one shake at a time & every medifast shake your drink is making a different and better choice for your body!!

I am so happy you are still with us and still trying!!

You and your kitty will have a better day tomorrow. I just know it!

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Postby Kauket » March 4th, 2005, 5:12 am

My mother breeds siberians and we got a cat from her for Christmas. I'm dreading the day he decides to start peeing on everything.

Here's to a stress free day today, and all next week. :toast:
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Postby Nancy » March 4th, 2005, 7:47 am

Well, Jen ~ just think of it this way - when you've had a week like yours, nothing could be worse so everything else will be an improvement! We're expecting the best for you now.

Happy Friday and a SHAKIN' good weekend to you!
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Postby kassilou » March 4th, 2005, 9:11 am

It's easy to return to our old patterns when we are stressed, so hopefully things will calm down enough that you will be able to establish new patterns for yourself.

Hope your day today is less stressful and that you can have a restful weekend.
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Postby smartiegrrl » March 4th, 2005, 12:08 pm


Sounds awful. Just remember you have to take care of yourself.

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Postby jene115 » March 4th, 2005, 6:54 pm

TGIF! I didn't even think I would still be awake at this time. I had several people at work today tell me my eyes were glassy. I ended up with 7 hours of OT this week. It's three weeks in a row that I have over 6 hours OT. I used to be able to work more hours and not be so tired, but I think the medical stuff - HBP is wearing me out faster, plus hauling around all this flabbage.

I brought home my banana and B-52 syrups from work and I'm back on track with a vengeance tomorrow. I'm going to bed early, early tonight. My poor kitties are out of food and they both don't like canned food, but right now, I don't care. They eat that, or they don't eat, lol.

I was driving home tonight and a thought came to me. I thought I need to set a timeline. This was brought on by my best friend getting an offer from a former boss to come work for him. I want her to go because it's a great opportunity, but without her at work, I don't want to work there. I don't want to work there anyway, but it's going to be very, very hard without Lori. So my timeline is lose this weight, stay at my current job until I reach a year there (August) and hopefully I will be halfway to goal then, and then I will start sending out resumes, then after I lose all flab, get a new great job, I will start looking for love again, or not looking necessarily, but start putting myself back out there. I'm not getting any younger and I definitely don't want to be alone forever. No. 1 priority is getting this weight off and I can't do that if I keep letting stressful situations get me off track. This week was incredibly stressful and exhausting, but if I had started before this weekend, I could have handled it, but I sabotaged a good 2 day start by buying that stupid pizza, which I regret now.

I am going to try to sleep as long as I can. I usually wake up very early on the weekends because I'm used to getting up at 5 a.m. during the week, but I would love to at least get 8-9 hours of sleep for a change. What a concept.

My boss has been so good the last three weeks and he really does appreciate me staying, but I've become increasingly sick of the hours (9-6), driving 1 hour each way, so I leave the house at 7:45 and don't get home until after 7. It's a long day, especially since I don't feel I'm using my brain. I miss litigation so much I want to cry. I just feel strongly that I need to work here for a year, lose some weight so I will have more confidence on interviews, then start looking again. Plus, I'm taking a week off in September when I finally, after two years in storage, will have the $$ to bring my furniture and personal belongings to Houston. I need the time to get reacquainted with my belongings.

I'm rambling now because I'm tired, but I want you to know that I feel a lot of disappointment in myself for falling back to old habits this week. I didn't blow it as far as fast food and binging or anything like that, but honestly, how hard is it to make a shake? geez, I even made a shake at my desk the other day, bottled water, banana DaVinci and a shaker jar. There is no excuse. :(

As exhausted as I am I realized today after talking with Lori about her new job opportunity, that I am so ready for a new life. New body, new job, new man, the sky's the limit.
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Postby kassilou » March 4th, 2005, 11:20 pm


You didn't give in to your habits as much as you could have. Baby steps, right? You had a revelation about yourself last week, and that can take a while to really process and sink in. My revelation happened over a year ago, but it has taken me this stinkin' long to process it all to where I could do this for myself.

Of course it's not hard to make a shake. That's not our problem. We are trapped in this vicious cycle of feeling negatively about ourselves, consoling ourselves with food (I deserve it, etc), getting upset because we were weak/didn't follow our food plan, eating to cover up those feelings, and so on.

But it doesn't matter if we *slipped* today. Each day IS a new beginning, as corny as that sounds. Each day we can choose to try again.

For me, having this part of my life under control has made other things less chaotic as I am not obsessing about what to eat when something upsets/stresses me. I am more able to be in the moment than when I am out of control with food.

It's a wonderful thing, Jen, that you are not giving up. You deserve so much more than what you have been giving yourself. We all do. It's time to let that thin woman out.
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Postby jene115 » March 6th, 2005, 11:34 am

It's a wonderful thing, Jen, that you are not giving up. You deserve so much more than what you have been giving yourself. We all do. It's time to let that thin woman out.

Thanks Kassilou. No, not giving up, but not doing anything really but having a great big pity party. I'm emotionally and mentally drained. I'm back at square one. The only thing I'm sure of is I'm not going backward, but just struggling with life right now.
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Postby Spunky » March 6th, 2005, 1:57 pm

Howdy Texas buddy, I hear you are having a pity party for one! Time for that positive thinking about that awesome party you will have after a year at your job! Think of the posibilities!

So my timeline is lose this weight, stay at my current job until I reach a year there (August)..... No. 1 priority is getting this weight off and I can't do that if I keep letting stressful situations get me off track.

It sounds like you are setting good goals. Now put your timeline into action and plaster it up in your home and maybe at work and before you know it you will be ready for phase 2!
Happy Trails Y'all......... Spunky

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The Drama Continues

Postby jene115 » March 10th, 2005, 5:38 pm

I haven't been around here much in the last few weeks. Late last week, I woke up and noticed a bump on my forehead. Thinking it was a zit, I ignored it for awhile, but then it started getting infected and knowing that I never had acne as a teen or ever, I realized it was a spider bite. Today I was at work and feeling really lightheaded and dizzy and my head was hurting. My boss was really concerned and wanted me to go to the doctor because the bite was definitely infected. I had to have it lanced and drained and let me tell you, it was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced. The shot to numb me was the worst. We think it was a brown recluse spider, which is indigenous to Texas. I am on an antibiotic 3x a day for 10 days now. More pills to pop! :roll: I have on a very uncomfortable compression bandage on my forehead now. I look like the walking wounded!

I don't know when or why it happened, but I've gone back to some of my bad habits. Cokes and fast food. I'm not eating a lot, but nonetheless, it's not MF. I know I've felt lousy the last week and think it was the infection. I've felt really weak, cold and sluggish. My doctor read me the riot act and put the fear of God into me today when I told her I missed my dose of BP med last night. Basically the fear of stroke. Why don't doctors counsel their patients on weight and how it affects your joints, your blood pressure, can affect your cholesterol, and other stuff? She's never once mentioned that, even though I know that getting this weight off will take care of all that's wrong with me right now.

I will get back on track this weekend. I guess I wasn't as ready to start this as I thought I was last month. I figured out some stuff about myself and when I start this time, I'm not going to fall back. I also decided I'm going back to a vegetarian diet when I start eating "real" food again. I remember in 1994 when I was eating strictly vegetarian - fruit in the mornings until noon and salads for lunch, I felt so good then I started dating and got engaged to a meat and potatoes guy, vegetarian eating went south. That way, with MF having supplements that are vegetarian, I can keep them as part of my life. I see a future of exteme good health for me and I will keep my sights on this vision. Please don't count me out, it's just been a rough month. My dear 10 year old cat died a year ago this week and my mom died in March three years ago so it's been a roller coaster of emotions.
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Postby Nancy » March 10th, 2005, 11:44 pm

Aw, Jen ~

You poor thing! Didja look like a unicorn when you got home from the doctor? Sounds like a nasty procedure.

We have those spiders here in the northwest, too. One dropped in my mom's shirt when she was working in her backyard under the trees. She was pulling weeds and trimming near the woodpile and didn’t realize that the spider had dropped right down her shirt and into the Big Valley. It bit her on the left and the right woady - she was totally wonked out for some time - fever, chills, achy joints. Poor thing! She swelled up to Dolly Parton size for a while, too!

Hope your recovery is fast-a-roony!
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Postby LadyinVA » March 11th, 2005, 5:12 am

My son got bit by a brown recluse last year, and within 2 days necrosis had started and his skin was turning black. Luckily it was a small area (about 1" diameter) and we caught it in time. He still has a pretty good scar on his stomach. They are very NASTY spiders!!
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Postby RavenKat2 » March 11th, 2005, 6:04 am

ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: PLEASE tell me those spiders aren't in Maryland! :no:

The thought of a spider biting me and giving me an infection or necrosis will keep me up tonight! Are they big, at least, so you can see them coming?

*deep breaths*

Okay. I may live.

Jen, hang in there. You've been going through a lot. Try to be good to yourself. I'm sorry about your cat. :cry: I have five and each one is very special to me. One is 18 years old...every time he sighs too loud I look at him funny. ;-)


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