The Gift of Cool

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The Gift of Cool

Postby Nancy » May 1st, 2008, 9:30 pm

:kool: Announcing The Gift of Cool :kool:

:lol: Happy :lol: Spring and :wavie: Howdy MakeMeThinner Readers!

Take Shape For Life just announced a special spring offer for inactive clients (people who have not ordered any Medifast products for 60 days or longer)

:secret: Yikes! If it’s been that long since you’ve had a shake, you really truly pock-a-dooly need this!

Summer will be here all too soon and things will be :shades: heatin’ up at the beach, :stroll: friends ‘n family will be gathering and Beach Party Bingo begins. :yay:

Before I got started on the TSFL Program, I :table: hated the thought of springtime and summer because it meant I would have to take off my coat.

:oops: Gulp!

I used to think I could :couch: hide my bulging thighs and belly jelly behind a billowy coat so the threat of summer :whattha: freaked me out!

:shades: I had not worn shorts or a bathing suit for decades – trust me, I was nearly 270 pounds, the tensile strength of those threads giving way on a suit coulda :shoot: twanged loose and harmed someone! I was dangerous! :grin:

We want to help you :you: get back in control and shed those unwanted pounds - our Summer Splash Package is just the coolest!

While supplies last, treat yourself to the cool, refreshing Summer Splash Package for free with your Medifast order of $200.00 or more.

The Summer Splash Package includes:
- 1 box of Cranberry Mango Fruit Drink (this is so yummuh, especially when mixed with diet Squirt, diet 7-Up or diet Ginger Ale)
- 1 box of Tropical Punch Fruit Drink
- 1 box of Raspberry Iced Tea

You will need to call your Health Coach or Nancy at (888) 886-2629 to get the coupon code.

:wallwall: Drat! I am not permitted to post it here or I would gladly do so...

Once you log on, shop for all your favorite Medigrub items and when you are ready to check out, enter the special coupon code on your order over $200 and you will receive the Summer Splash Package for free with that order.

Rules: this free offer is ONLY for Inactive Clients - someone who has not placed an order in the last 60 days or more.

BTW, if you are an Inactive Client and you wish to join the BeSlim Club for your first order in 60+ days, in addition to the BeSlim 5% discount, free shipping (for orders over $200 after the BeSlim discount is applied), you will also qualify to receive the free Summer Splash Package.

:whoohoo: Woo Hoo! Love those freebies!

NOTE – In order for the Inactive Client to redeem the Summer Splash Package, the coupon code must be entered during the order check out process; :pet: too bad, so sad, it cannot be added after the fact.

Act quickly, this promotion will run only as long as supplies last!

:hmmm: Hey there, BeSlim Clubbers and Active Clients ~

There’s no need to pout, if you want your very own Summer Splash Package, you can purchase it on the Take Shape For Life Shopping Cart for $32.95.

The regular price for 3 boxes of Medifast Meal Replacements is $43.50.

The Summer Splash Package saves $10.55… that's a 25% savings!!

That’ll save you enough cash-o-lah to buy some sunscreen for the beach…you can be sipping a :tonguelick: great-tasting meal and thinnin’ at the same time!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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Location: Vancouver, WA

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