It's the bomb!

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It's the bomb!

Postby Carrie » March 17th, 2004, 9:29 am

I have a hot boullion tip. (big news in the MF world huh?)

I bought the 'better than boullion' chicken, and it is absolutely delicious. It's like drinking a bowl of chicken soup.

I add a dab of it to my chicken noodle mf soup and it zips it right up.
Same with the beef flavor and the mf chili.

They have about 4 other flavors too ..... Ham, Vegetable, LOBSTER, and one other one I can't remember. I'm gonna try em all.

They are definitely the cadillac of boullion.

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Postby explorthis » March 17th, 2004, 10:51 am

I additionally liked this one, the chicken flavor best-est.. I tried the Chili, but it was pretty strong, and gave me the wind something fierce. I could easily clear a room! - uh I will back off this topic...

Lawry's has a "season-all" salt, that my daughter puts on everything except cereal.. I added a generous (for the salt necessity) pinch-aroo to this, and took 2-3 pieces if celery, (ok maybe 4!!) diced them up into miniscule little chunks (fools you into thinking your getting more bang for your slurp) and added them before I nuked it. This added "chunkage" to the "faux-soup" and made it even better...... I did find it needed to be stirred more than cubed type boullion, no biggie. I have a large beer stein, that not only stay's warm, and hold's alot, but keep's my hands warm while drinking...


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