I am a newbee still..so forgive me if IM jumpin ahead of myself..but susan did you say that you were having 4 shakes a day then one meal at lunch? arent you missing a meal someplace? if your doing the modified fast..you should be having 5/1 right? 5 supplements (3 shakes min) and then a meal?
I am no pro at this by far..but im a forum junkie..and have read so many times ..that if you skip a meal...your loss will most likley slow down or you wont loose as fast as if you do the plan the way they are written!!
just a suggestion..maybe you could squeeze in another shake...or supplement? everyone on here looses differently. some faster than others..but any way you look at it..its still faster than any other program out there!! keep up the good work!!
keep on shakin