Well, I did it....I finished my MBA AND I partied like a rockstar Saturday night! We had our big celebration, drank way too many martinis and ate stuff that was delicious and SOOOOOOOO not anywhere near plan.
I planned for it, looked forward to it, did it, enjoyed it, and got back on plan Sunday. I even stayed on plan all day up until the first sip of a cosmo at 7:40 pm.....it was a free for all after that.
I thought I had escaped serious consequences because we danced our butts off and the scales on Sunday weren't a disaster....that was until Monday showed up. Oh Lord can I just tell you about the water weight? My ankles are swollen, my rings won't fit, I'm starving to death today and feel like day 1 all over again. Official weigh-in tomorrow and we'll see what the damage is.
Hmmmmm......the next planned cheat was supposed to be on my birthday July 11. I think I might just re-think that. Don't really think a few hours of fun is worth several days of misery!