The Big Barforama

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The Big Barforama

Postby Leigh » April 30th, 2004, 6:58 pm

Hi Everybody,

I had a pretty bad time this week. I chipped a tooth in my mouth and went to the dentist only to find out I have to have it yanked out on Monday.

I'm sure you're wondering where the Barforama comes in. The dentist perscribed me some Narco pills. I took them once before, sometime last year when I was much heavier, and they never bothered me. Well, the effect was not the same for me this time.

I spent about two hours last night throwing up because the pills didn't agree with my stomach. Things are changing with my body and I just didn't react to the medication the same way I did before. I also think it's because I didn't have a solid type of food in my stomach. I also didn't tell the Dentist about my diet or he probably would have never prescribed them. I didn't tell him because I felt embarassed :oops: for some CRAZY reason.

Lesson learned: I should have asked for something a little lighter. I should have told him the TRUTH. I probably should have used common sense and tried half a pill first, before trying a whole one. But nooooo, I had to bring on the barf extravaganza, and my stomach is still torn up. If anyone else happens to run into this situation, don't do what I did. :brickwall:

Sorry if I grossed anyone out, but I had to fess up about my major moment of pride, stupidity, and the end result of everything. Looking back, I don't know why I did that. :dooh:

Start date: 3/29/04

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Postby Landylue » May 1st, 2004, 7:01 am

Wow! I couldn't take pain killers even when I weighed my heaviest and ALWAYS had something in my stomach. I threw it back up every time. Even though I hate pain, I'd much prefer the discomfort over the nausea--yuk!

I think we all must go through some time period of not wanting anyone to know that we have started a liquid diet. I was on MF for a couple of weeks and hid it from the people at work like I was carrying a flask of gin! But I do remember the rude, chubby little secretary who walked into the kitchen as I was fixing one of the shakes and immediately wanted to know what it was. She dismissed it in a very judmental tone and with a wave of her hand as something she had tried in the past and hadn't worked. (So it wasn't going to work for me?!?!?) She said she missed chewing too much. From the looks of her she hasn't missed out on too much chewing lately. But I digress. . .

As the weight falls off you, Leigh, you'll become less and less self-conscious about your diet program.

You hang in there, and good luck at the dentist.

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Postby Leigh » May 1st, 2004, 11:01 am


I feel so much better today. Still a little embarassed that I would act like such a moron, but I learned my lesson.

Thanks for being so sweet and for the words of encouragement. :D

Start date: 3/29/04

220/194/Goal weight ??
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