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Postby xwoman » April 30th, 2006, 8:29 am

I just wanted to give evryone a big thank you, as you know my product arrives Tuesday and a new journey begins. I have contacted my closest friends, who :shock: :shock: :shock: shock are also very overweight. I believe new members are on the way, you really are an amazing group, and I wanted to say thank you one more time. Just think, while on WW I paid money to sit in a room of people who were more often the not dicouraged and brought me down as well. Here if one is down there are 20 to pick you up.
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Re: Thanks

Postby Serendipity » April 30th, 2006, 10:38 am

xwoman wrote: Here if one is down there are 20 to pick you up.

So well put!

Welcome and good luck with your program. You will see. The time flies by and with the help of your friends on this forum, it's fun being a big loser! :mrgreen:
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Postby Jan » April 30th, 2006, 10:42 am

You will do great on this program. :D And, you will soon realize how really wonderful is each of the forum members. They will help you in anyway possible. The pesky pounds will be leaving for good!!
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