by Lauren » February 24th, 2006, 12:51 pm
Oy vey.
That's all I can come up with, Lisa, oy vey! :-)
I know what you mean about just finally having to laugh, and while I agree it's a laugh that's just a millimeter away from a cry, it still feels good and refreshing, doesn't it?
I am sorry about your hand and about the puppy, how sad!
I will tell you, however, that nerve damage is not always permanent. When I moved into my apartment a year and a half ago, the movers accidentally dropped my huge entertainment unit on my head (don't ask, it's just too weird). It split open my forehead, and I got 12 stitches, and nerve damage all over my forehead and scalp. I thought it was gone forever, but lo and behold, I periodically notice increased sensation, and I can tell it's improving over time.
Hopefully the doctor will take good care of you, and perhaps recommend occupational therapy to improve dexterity of your writing hand (if it requires).
In the meantime, I PROMISE that all of this stuff happening would feel infinitely worse if you weren't on MF. You are TOTALLY right about this being something you can feel good about. Keep reminding yourself of that, and really, think about how much more it would suck if you were even heavier and not on this great journey.
MOst of all, buck up little one, it will get has to! :-)