Thanks for the memories!

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Thanks for the memories!

Postby GabbysMom » March 14th, 2005, 9:45 am

I would like to thank and say a permanent good bye to the 190's and 180's I used to see on my scale and say the 170's look pretty darn good...I am almost a member of the 20# club...maybe next week! Nancy is right...nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

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Postby THINKTHIN » March 14th, 2005, 10:05 am

Gabby, WAY TO GO!

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Postby raederle » March 14th, 2005, 10:30 am

YAY!!!! Congrats!!! I'm glad you're doing well! Haven't heard from you in a bit, and I was wondering how you were getting along. Looks like no news was good news! ;)

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Postby doglover » March 14th, 2005, 11:08 am

Yeah! Great news! I am really looking forward to the 150's - hopefully this week!
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Postby Nancy » March 21st, 2005, 9:28 am

I love it when you enjoy the journey along the way!

When a person is in the losing mode, the present situation is tolerable because you have something to look forward to - the next weight increment seems to help us to hold out a little bit longer. Weight loss is fairly consistent and once a person figures out their body's weight loss pattern, sticking with the program becomes easier.

It is also interesting to notice how the body’s shape changes as weight is released. It seems to know just where to dump it, so that over all, it is like a personal liposuction kit in a packet!

Keep up the great work, shake it up and shake it off.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby junglejane » March 22nd, 2005, 8:01 am

good morning everyone! It is interesting to hear you say that about the weight coming off the right places, Nancy. This is the first time I have lost weight and felt it coming of proportionately(ok, big word spelled incorrectly). It is as if my body is finally saying "you are not meant to be shaped like a pear for the rest of your life. Smaller hips are possible" I used to lose just from the waist and chest and after a LONG while, it would start to come off the booty and such. I couldn't be happier with my results so far!! This is the first program where another 36 pounds does not seem overwhelming at all. Medifast has become part of my life....a permanent part.
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Postby raederle » March 22nd, 2005, 8:26 am

Jane-- I know eggggzactly what you mean. I carry my weight in my butt and thighs, too, so when I dieted before, I would end up just losing weight off my boobs first :roll: and then my waist... No help! On MF my butt is actually shrinking, and even my upper arms, always a problem for me even after working out my triceps a lot, have definitely tightened up-- without exercise! Love it! Though I've only lost 17 pounds or so since I started MF, so much of that has come off my worst problem areas that a size 6 golf skirt that was very tight on me when I weighed 135 last year is now too big for me at 126 after MF. Sign of a shrinking butt and hips! Yay!!! And also the sign that I'm losing flab and not muscle! Yay!!!

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Postby Nancy » March 22nd, 2005, 9:48 am

Rae ~

May the luck of the Irish Green Turtle help you dump that last one measly pound of flabbage from your hiney...
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby dlr2424 » March 22nd, 2005, 10:09 am

Rae...I SMELL goal this week for you.....I think that cute little easter bunny is going to hop..hop..hop away with your last pound... Easter morning ... right before roll call...... :yay:


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Postby raederle » March 22nd, 2005, 10:13 am

Thanks, Nancy and Donna! This is the week; I can feel it!!! :D

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Postby mindovermatter » March 22nd, 2005, 11:33 am

Oh so close Rae! I think skinny thoughts for you, I know you'll make it this week. Just stay away from the chocolate Easter Bunny.


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Postby raederle » March 22nd, 2005, 1:10 pm

I was always one of those weird sensitive kids who just couldn't bring herself to bite into a bunny, even if it was made of chocolate. To this day, I have never eaten one! Same goes for those marshmallow chicks, too. Of course, Hershey's kisses, chocolate coins, Cadbury eggs, Reese's PB cups... all fair game! Just not this year... ;)

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Postby Nancy » March 22nd, 2005, 1:46 pm

:shock: Huh? What's with that?
weird sensitive kids who just couldn't bring herself to bite into a bunny

You are not a true chocolate person then...


I :twisted: relish bitin' off the heads of chocolate bun-buns and those marshmaller ones - ooh, lah lah! :twisted: Chomp, chomp!

Spring Peeps?

:twisted: Lemme at 'em - love to bite into their boingy little heads and stretch 'em way out at arm's length and let 'em snap back into shape... :mrgreen:

Don't get your shaker jars into an uproar - that was in my BM* days. Post Medifastly speaking, gimme some broccoli carved into a bunny topiary shape and I pass on the grocery store fake chocolate stuff. My Easter basket better be filled with Joseph Schmidt truffles or See's Nuts and Chews...

*Before Medifast
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Peeps and Eggs

Postby NE gal in South » March 22nd, 2005, 2:10 pm

Folks last year two weeks before Easter I had consumed every Dark Chocolate, Raspberry Whipped Creme Russell Stover egg within 5 miles of my house. Thank goodness they were only sold at CVS. If any parent in my town wanted them for kids Easter baskets they sure did not find them close to home. The amazing thing is I have not craved one at all, but then again it could be cause I have eaten so, so, many over the past 15 Easter seasons, that when I think of them, I can taste them. I keep telling myself the memory is better than the eggs and the peep chicks.

No Easter Candy for this Chick!! I would rather fit into my new size 10 pants than have candy!!!
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Postby Nancy » March 22nd, 2005, 2:27 pm

Trust me, NE Gal in South looks absolutely wonderful in her new size 10 pants (we did a little shopping together last week when she visited the northwest!)

Because now you choose wisely what you eat and drink, you are able to give away all those matronly big sized clothes and are now reaping the joy of replacing them with smaller younger-looking cutsey wootsy clothes! Don’tcha just love it? :heart:

It is so worth passing by those Russell Stovers and loading up on Medifast Orange Pineapple or Dutch Chocolate shakes – for our hearts’ sakes! :hi5:

:secret: BTW, we went back to that little shop – Toujours - and Terry bought me an adorable pink knit shirt with fringe all around the neckline and cuffs and a black skirt with hot pink and lime green flowers along the handkerchief hem - because he can. He also bought a fancy evening pant ensemble with a tuxedo-style ruffled coat – Leopard Woman will be very gla-mour in it this summer at the Take Shape For Life 2005 Summer Conference…
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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