Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Postby Scooby2 » June 26th, 2005, 3:57 pm

I actually did it! This morning I actually reached the 50's club!!!
Yippee!!!!!!!!!!! :yay:

I have never posted before, however, I do read the boards often for motivation. Reading your struggles and successes have helped to keep me motivated. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I actually know I can do this! For the first time ever, I've found a plan that I can stick with and feel good while doing it. :bounce:

My clothes are getting soo baggy. I should get new ones, but wearing them reminds me of how much I've lost and keeps me motivated all day.
I guess new jeans will be in order soon. A belt helps, but the baggy crotch thing is driving me nuts!

I have NEVER been thin and I am soo excited to see what I'll look like when I reach my goal. I've still got a long way to go, at least 100 more pounds, however that is just a matter of time.

Thanks again to everyone who posts, you have been a tremendous help.

Good luck to all........and Happy Shaking :exercise:
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Postby Emma » June 26th, 2005, 4:01 pm

Congrats Scooby!! :yippee:

50lbs. is an awesome accomplishment - keep us posted on how you're doing.

Keep Shakin' :cheers:

Started MF: 5/18/05

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Postby ljm498 » June 26th, 2005, 5:28 pm

Scooby! 50lbs is fabulous! Way to go! Keep on shakin and before you know it that next 100 will be gone in no time!


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Postby Sablebaby » June 26th, 2005, 8:25 pm

Wow, Scooby, that is GREAT!

Your message really inspires me as I have had a tough first weekend on MF. Thanks for posting this! When did you start MF?

Keep on coming back and posting!
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Postby LuzInIt » June 27th, 2005, 3:56 am

Hey Scooby - You have been lurking for a while - Congratulations on your 50 pound loss - I just entered the 50# Club myself (and can't wait to leave it :lol: ). Why don't ya register and see how much more fun the Forum is? Stuff pops up under the names and you see pictures and lots of other terrific things you don't have access to as a guest. Many of us spent time in the shadows before joining up. I've entered you in my data base of future 100# Club members in anticipation of hearing from you often on the board.... It gets downright addictive once you get started. Keep shakin' and keep up the awesomely good work :D .
Linda - Started MF 3/22/05

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Thank you Medifast!
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Thank You

Postby Scooby2 » June 29th, 2005, 7:11 pm

Thank you all soo much. It feels soo good knowing I have your support. I started in January, although I didn't do well during April. That didn't stop me tho', I jumped right back on the bandwagon.

I'll probably register, however not until summer is over. In the summer I work 7 days a week, sometimes up to 12 hours a day, so I don't have much time on the computer at home. I'll be happy when I find another job that will allow me the time to at least enjoy a few days of summer.
Oh well, at least it keeps me too busy to snack. :lol:

Thanks again, and I promise, I'll post when I can.

Hope you all have a great day! :byebye:
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