Thank you to all of you!

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Thank you to all of you!

Postby Merika » September 30th, 2005, 8:11 am

I just want to say thank you to all who are on this message board. I also want to thank Strawberry Shortcake, I read her profile on another message board about MF and immediately found myself searching, researching and ordering a two week supply (not sure if it would work for me).

This is my third day, the first two were hard, I was starving!!!!! When I found out I could have 2 dill pickles, I was immediately at the grocery store. And last night at my son's baseball game, i devoured a pickle from the concession stand.

I woke up this morning, 5.5 down (YEAH!!!), and after my first supplement, its been three hours and I'm not starving. This is really working! :roll: I can't believe it! Yesterday I stared at the clock on the computer and barely made it two hours between supplements. I think I actually see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Again, thank you to everyone who posts on this message board, I read everything and it has really been inspirational.
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Joined: September 28th, 2005, 1:12 pm

Postby betz » September 30th, 2005, 11:31 am

Merika, I KNEW it would get easier for you. The "bleah" feeling passes and energy replaces it!

I don't think I'd have believed it if I didn't experience it for myself.

Here's something to consider. They say it takes about 3 days to get into a state of "ketosis". This is the ultimate for Medifast because you're burning all those stores of fat. This is exactly where you want to be! To keep that going, drink your water, time your MF meals as well as you can and don't cheat!

If you get tempted to eat some "regular food" remind yourself how you felt when you first started--those first few days are rough..and whenever you go off plan and then start back'll remember just how tough. The irritability, hunger pangs...frustration all come back. It's much easier to say no to the food you "think" you want if you take a moment to remember that "bleah" feeling. What's worse takes you 3 days to get back to that fat burning ketosis stage! All that time you could have been burning fat and for what... a cookie? A cracker? It's just not worth it.

For me it was alcohol. I used to love sharing a bottle of wine with my guy once a week. It was a treat for us and we were learning about wines, etc. About 4 weeks after starting medifast I had a glass like the old days. Then another. The next day was just like starting all over again on MF. Then I would be another 3 days before I'd get back to ketosis and in the mean time I'd be cranky. I felt like I lost a whole weeks worth of work!

Really, it took me a good 6 weeks to get settled in and really understand how important the balance of MF is. They've got it down to a science and if you want the full've got to be the very good guinea pig. :)

The pay off is so good , though, you'll be happy you did.

It's not like you're saying no to food altogether. The other thing to remind yourself is...that you're gonna have a great little dinner for your lean and green. Get creative with spices and preparation methods. Learn what 5 oz. of beef looks like and 7 oz. of chicken. Have fish now and then (I was surprised how much I LOVE salmon--never bothered with it before because I was too busy eating all that fatty chinese take out). Look at recipe sites and make a little folder of recipes that you can use for your lean and green dinners.

Check out new products like the Davinci sugar free fat free syrups that you can flavor your shakes with (and even cook with!).

If you know you're going to go to a restaurant, look at the menu ahead of time online. Most chains have their menus posted. Figure out your strategy before you even get there, then you won't be tempted to deviate from what you know you should have.

I know I'm going on and on--sometimes I think I do this to remind MYSELF of all these things. LOL! Oh well, whatever works, I guess.

Good luck and congratulations on that 5.5! Keep up the good work and high spirits :)
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Down to a science

Postby Jan » September 30th, 2005, 9:51 pm

Hi Betz
You are sooooo correct!! Medifast is "down to a science" It has been formulated so that if we don't fool around with the formula we win. Fool around and that is exactly what we are -- foolish :?
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