November 22 is my one year anniversary of starting Medifast. I have been back on the WW Core program (no counting points except the few you get each week!) since September 28th but still feel very much at home here and feel I have so much to learn and share. I lost the majority of my weight on Medifast.
Three days this week I did get below goal but wanted to maintain it before I announced it because my weight has been fluctuating so much. Today I am at ticker weight so I will see if I can get there again and feel comfortable saying I have reached goal. It doesn't help that I am getting up at 3am. From a year now of personal experience I know I weigh less at 6am than I do at 3am if I don't eat or drink more than a sip of water and go back to bed. But I am not going to torture myself and stay in bed wide awake with no coffee or water for 3 hours so I can post a lower number. I have done than more than once and you know how I love my coffee. What silliness but I was scale obsessed! The board was with me with my sleep/mental health problems all last winter and let's just hope it's better this time. In fact, the board was with me with all my life events this year, my non-compliance, my compliance, my sleep issues, my whininess, my attitude(s), my celebrations. You were even with me in Hong Kong! Thank you. Thank you for holding my hand through over 93 pounds of weight loss. My friends.