Thai Peanut Sauce

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Thai Peanut Sauce

Postby BettinaV » September 16th, 2006, 10:12 pm

Someone mentioned thai peanut sauce recently and it got me going. So, since I couldn't find one that would be ok for MF I made one up. I used Steels Mango Curry Sauce 2.8 carbs per TBSP and added Davinci SF Peanut Butter Syrup. Yummie. I used about equal parts of each which cuts the carbs in the sauce but you can do it to your own taste. Also added some red pepper flakes but I like things really hot hot hot. I think it's pretty close to the real thing. If anyone hasn't tried Steels, I think they are 100 times better than Walden products, which I can't stand. I find them in my local low carb market. But they can be ordered online at Steelsgourmet dot com. Enjoy!
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Postby BettinaV » September 16th, 2006, 10:24 pm

So I just noticed that Steelsgourmet dot com HAS a peanut sauce. But my store didn't have it. Going to order it but what I just made was really good too and I think it was good to cut the carbs with the syrup.
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Postby DogMa » September 17th, 2006, 11:40 am

The Steels peanut sauce is delicious, fyi. I haven't had it in a long time, but I used to use it on Atkins, way back when.

And I'm with you on the Walden Farms. For salad dressing, I use Maple Grove Farms of Vermont. They make a sugar-free, fat-free balsamic vinaigrette that I'd choose over full-fat, full-carb dressing any day. I wish they'd make little packets like WF does, though.

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Postby BettinaV » September 17th, 2006, 11:48 am

I just bought the Steels Peanut Sauce -- they did have it at my store. I tasted it. Yummie. Although it's 2 carbs per TBSP and I would love to drink the whole bottle :lol: Also I bought the Davinci Blueberry Syrup ad put it in the berry oatmeal and made pancakes. Oh my, YUMMO. I bought that salad dressing but have not tried it. I was freaked by the taste of the Walden products so I was shy about anything like it. Will try that tonight.
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Postby Allie » September 18th, 2006, 11:28 am

BettinaV- Arre you a Rachel Ray fan? YUMMO! I love her.
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Postby BettinaV » September 18th, 2006, 7:24 pm


Yes I love Rachel Ray. Have not seen her new show yet but she is great.
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