by explorthis » January 10th, 2006, 2:08 pm
Thanks! I would love to go.
Waiter/waitress: Diet soda please. That’s it? Yes please.
Why aren’t you eating? (Judge asks) The the type of diet I am on.
PERIOD! END OF DICSUSSION. If you opt to divuldge, fine, if not then it's over.
Have a great lunch, have great conversation.
Been there done that, more than once.
Ok, will his/her Honor get offended?
Same as I tell my teen, shoe on other foot, would you get offended? Nope.
Everyone is happy, and truthfully, no one will really pay any attention I promise.
Side note: TONS of free lunches when you finish, they will ALL still be there, with many more to come in the future, I promise.
Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)