I've been outside mowing (and sweating). While mowing & sweating I've been thinking about Medifast, my time on the program, how I'm doing, how this forum has become a fun community for me to interact in while doing Medifast. As I thought about how I'm feeling, how the pounds are coming off, the clothing I've shrunk out of (how nice to say instead of 'the clothing I've grown out of') and how some days are just a bit more of a struggle to resist the temptations of eating off program foods.
I've done well with staying on the program as it has been outlined. Not all days have been easy although most of them have been because of the results that I'm seeing so rapidly.
I then thought of all of the people who've said 'hello' here at the forums since I've begun posting and how many are no longer posting. I try to let people know that I'm thinking of them sometimes, believing that maybe that is all they need is to feel missed. Sometimes I just don't have the energy to go look up their journal or to think of words that might be helpful---or I think that what I do is coming across as lame. It has been mentioned a few times that the site seems to have a clique. I know that some of us talk to the same people quite a bit, but I don't believe it is cliquish (that doesn't look like it is spelt correctly, hopefully spell check will help me out--if not, hope you know what I'm saying even if I cannot spell
). I believe that as we write at this forum we find others that we can relate to in some way. Some people's words just make me wish to get to know them better. Some people's words make me wish to keep my distance. Some people relate things that I enjoy but I don't have any experience in how they are living their lives. Some people, just as in life away from the computer, don't make me feel all warm and fuzzy toward them.
I'm sure that I bug some people with my frequent Pollyanna-ish talk......but this is who I am and I've pretty much given up on trying to be someone I'm not (thank heavens).
So.......for cliques, no, I don't see it, but I do see that there is a group that is verbal and active on the forums, who make a point to interact frequently and that may make things seem cliquish (there is that darn word again--and misspelt again, too) but isn't....it is just frequent 'talkers' get to know one another better.
So........if you are feeling left out of the conversations, then start talking with us!
And if you don't get much feedback immediately, just keep talking!! Some days I feel like writing anything takes too much energy and some days my fingers are flying with stuff to say. You may catch most people feeling kind of dull witted for a few days and won't get much response.......but don't give up cause we get re-energized pretty quickly.
Another thing that I was thinking about (yeah, I did a lot of mowing and a lot of thinking---and sweating). I think there is a fine line between being supportive of someone going through a difficult time with the program and being enabling for off program eating. I'm not sure where that line is and I imagine it is one of those things that I may draw the line in one spot, the next person might think it goes in another spot and the third, fourth and fifth people might all draw the line elsewhere. So, it is a personal thing..........but I wonder if we shouldn't stop and really evaluate ourselves and how helpful we are being to each other when we say 'hey, it is Okay that you aren't compliant---'. Maybe a nicer way to help the person to strive harder to avoid temptation, would be to say 'I'll be thinking of you and really hoping that you can stick to program from now on....come here and talk with someone if you are feeling low, sad, lonely, tempted.....just don't eat'. Saying it is Okay to go off program is partially true.......it is Okay if someone choses not to be compliant. It is their money, their time and their life. But how much more helpful it would be to stretch out our hands to pull them up when they've fallen than to say 'yeah, dang it, you went off program but you made wiser choices than you could have'.
This is all my own opinion and maybe I shouldn't mow because then I think and maybe I should be turning my thinker off.