146# this a.m. which is a new 'lowest weight for a bazillion years' personal record for me. I am trying hard to keep the momentum going so that I'll be close to my goal on January 1st (2008--LOL).
While watching television with my DH last night, a commercial came on that caught my attention. It was an actress, who is a spokesperson for a different weight loss program. She was holding back her tears as she talked about her weight loss over the past year (40#). Her tears were caused by the happiness that she felt over not starting the new year off with resolutions and recriminations about being overweight and needing to stick to a wiser/healthier way of eating.
I told my hubby that I've recently been thinking the same thing-----feeling so 'free' and happy over not ending 2007 and beginning 2008 with self-hatred and anger over wishing I hadn't wasted another year of my life by fighting with my desire to get the extra weight off. I already did it. I can go into this new year and every new year for the rest of my life, at a normal weight and NEVER have to make another resolution to 'take the weight off this time'. It is gone.........and it is not ever coming back!
A part of me feels like this weight loss is just a dream and I'll wake up fat, tired, sad, miserable............but it isn't a dream. Medifast was the right choice at the right time for me and I'm so very thankful to have had the opportunity to do the program.
I appreciate those who've been here for me since February. Your encouragement, friendship and the occasional kick in the pants, when warranted and needed, has helped me get where I am.......only 6# from my goal weight.
It is going to be a great day today here........hope it is for you, too.