Hi Everyone,
Thanks for your comments, it is fun to come and see that others have visited and 'talked' with me.
This morning I was up a whole blessed pound (156.5)! What is up with that one? Arugh!!
I know it is water weight, but still, nothing I ate should have done it to me and so I'm having a tiny tantrum
this morning.
I'm babysitting my oldest and youngest g'children today while their mom has some dental work done and I'm also taking their 16 month old dog back to them. We had their dog here since Thursday while they went camping. After babysitting, I'll do some errands and then come home to have a few hours to myself before DH arrives home from work. YES!!
Tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday is babysitting again.....not sure what Thursday holds (I'm not looking at the calendar because I don't want to know that the day is earmarked already by something---yeah, I'm in denial). I'm hoping there is nothing on the calendar so that I can have the entire day to do whatever I want.
(greedy thing that I am).
So.......off to start the day............
Hope it is a good one for everyone.