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Postby FrankieJ » July 15th, 2007, 2:41 pm

Hi Tawanda!
I'm the same way as you on the water: if I get off to a good start, I can drink it all day long and easily get to 12-14 cups. If I don't have much for the first half of the day, it's much harder! Weird but true. Congrats on your weight-droppage!
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Postby DonnaS » July 16th, 2007, 5:40 am

Good morning T, just dropped in to see how your doing. I hope you had a nice relaxing weekend.

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Postby Tawanda » July 16th, 2007, 6:28 am

Hello.......sorry to have just up and disappeared. I did check in a couple times a day to read, but had decided that I was 'taking the weekend off'. It was difficult some times, when reading everyone's forum entries, not to add my 2cents or congratulations, but it was also freeing and time that I needed to not feel any demands on me or my time. I did do housework and other 'chores'.......but otherwise I took Saturday and Sunday as mine. It helped recharge my mental batteries a little bit...and I guess a little bit is good enough.

My weight was down 1# for the week---but back up .5 this morning. I absolutely hate that I signed up for the 100 day challenge because I hate feeling forced to drink that darn water!!! Last night at bedtime I had only drank 6 cups of water all day......so I chugged 2 glasses (might be partially why my weight is up.....not enough water and too much too close to bedtime). I didn't even begin drinking my water until 2 p.m. when we got home from church & grocery shopping. :? I may turn out to be one who isn't going to make it through to the end of the 100 days.

I guess I'd better get another cup of coffee and read what everyone else has posted before the babies arrive for the day.
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Postby bikipatra » July 16th, 2007, 6:49 am

Great to have you back and have some water with that coffee!
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Postby Mickeyz » July 16th, 2007, 8:05 am

Glad to hear you took the weekend for yourself! I find sometimes I spend way too much time on these boards. But of course I am on dial up :( so it is easy to spend a lot of time here!

When I signed up for the challenge I figured it would just be an extra incentive for me. Will I be perfect the whole 100 days?...very doubtful, but I'll do the best I can and keep moving forward.

Do the best you can with your water and everyday remind yourself of how far you've come. I'm GLAD you joined the challenge and I hope you don't really regret signing up. Of course we are all looking over your shoulder. :lol: ;)
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Postby Nancy » July 16th, 2007, 9:26 am

Tawanda ~

I am glad that you took the time you needed this weekend to relax. Although it may not have been as long of a rest as you needed, some rest time is better than none. During the weight loss phase, we are learning to become more aware of the cues our body gives to us regarding our needs physically, emotionally and socially. Today's lifestyle can quickly deplete us in all areas and since our goal is to choose the healthiest options for ourselves, we can rejoice when we select non-foody options. High five to you, Tawanda!

Water slurpage is so important and it is best when we can drink it throughout the day, not all at once. With that said, there are days I find it hard to work in, too. You are doing the best you can. Maybe today your schedule will permit a bit more water earlier in the day.

I am so proud of you - 50 Pounds is a LOT of weight. You look wonderful, you are active and helping others in a mighty way. You are one terrif person and we love ya, Tawanda!

Terry and I will be traveling northward in August when we get back from the TSFL convention and we intend to visit with you and meet ya in The Thin. I truly look forward to that day. I admire you for all you are accomplishing. Keep on keeping on. I know you will cross the 100 Day Challenge goal line!

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Postby KeleeGrl » July 16th, 2007, 12:20 pm

Tawanda, we all need time to ourselves and glad you got some. Keep your chin up, your doing a great job. I'm so happy for you and envy how well you have done. You are definitley an inspiration!!
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my b4 photos

Postby Joy » July 16th, 2007, 6:59 pm

Good evening,

Thank you for your kind words. My mother has adjusted well to her disabillity but her weight has been the major issue always. Now that she has dropped about 100bls the last seven years her skin has not sprung back (age) and that causes issues with her sitting in her chair.

I am motivated to post another photo when I have lost 20lbs, I think I will have an honest smile.

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Postby Tawanda » July 16th, 2007, 9:00 pm

Drank my 10 glasses of water today. I am trying something new, instead of the 33 oz bottle and the 1.5 litre bottle, I have five 16+ oz. bottles and I've numbered them 1 through 5 on their caps. I just refill them at the end of the day and drink them in sequence. I know we aren't suppose to reuse the plastic bottles.....but what the heck, I live dangerously and on the edge ;) so I'm doing it. I've found it is much easier for me to drink out of the smaller bottles, that drinking all of a small bottle is less daunting (sense of accomplishment when it is empty, :lol:) and seeing those numbered bottle caps pile up on the kitchen counter is incentive to continue drinking.

Babies did not take an afternoon nap again today so I'm a bit tired and will read but probably not post much on the forums. Just thought I'd check in to leave a cyber trail (for what happened today) for myself in my journal.

It was great to see Kelli back and to have Nancy pop in.....along with Biki, Mickey and Joy. Thank you :)
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Postby nickieluv » July 16th, 2007, 9:02 pm

Are you really not supposed to reuse water bottles? I use the same ones for a week at a time. And my big jug I take to work I've had for a month now. I'm pretty gullible, so maybe you were just kidding about that....
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Postby Tawanda » July 16th, 2007, 9:16 pm

Nickie, I don't know for sure. I have read online that you aren't suppose to reuse them but don't know who is saying that........if it is the plastics council trying to sell more product ;) or if it is someone from the CDC that really knows there are ugly bacteria bugs that we're ingesting when we reuse them................I don't know if it is an urban myth or truth.......but I don't really care either. We have great tasting well water and I'm too miserly to want to spend money on something that I can get out of my own facet (we did pay $8,000 for the well......so I guess I did already pay for the water I'm using).

Once I start getting grossed out by how long I've been drinking out of the same bottle then I recycle them. No one else ever drinks out of my bottles (one of the perks of the empty nest) so it is my own buggy bacteria if it is a true health concern. ;)
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Postby nickieluv » July 16th, 2007, 9:40 pm

Well, they're only my own germs, too, and I've been doing this for several months and haven't gotten sick so I guess it's OK!

I refuse to drink out of open bottles that my husband used and refilled, though. It has to be my bottle. It annoys him - he says I kiss him, why can't I drink after him? - but it's one of those things, you know? And if he uses one of my bottles I have to recycle it, and I won't drink out of it again even to finish the water in it.

So maybe I have gotten sick - mentally....
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Postby holberry » July 16th, 2007, 9:41 pm

good evening Tawanda :D
Thought I would pop in to say Hi,

Ive heard of the plastic bottle usage as well. Im more concerned that we pass a bottle bill here so the plastic doesnt continuously get dumped.

What no afternoon nap :x ? Babies :D
Do you have them tomorrow also?

No baby llamas yet. They were fooling me. Ummmmm, I really will think about the name Tawanda. Can you imagine?? Oh and T, I have a 3 month old and a one month old waiting for you. Rose and Marie.

Sleep well,
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Postby Sojourner » July 16th, 2007, 10:54 pm

Hola Mizz T!
I use a PUR water filtration dispenser and refill my 32 oz plastic sports bottle as needed. I just throw it in the dishwasher every couple of days...it sanitizes it, from what I've read. I'm still kickin' anyways!


Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Tawanda » July 17th, 2007, 6:04 am

G'day....that groove in the flooring behind me is my bum dragging......what a night! DH was snoring and stealing covers.....not usual occurances for him and disruptive to my sleep. He wrapped himself up in the covers like a tamale and he only does that when his shoulder hurts (trying to build up covers to lean against). The sneaky thing is that he'll do it when I get up to use the bathroom, and then when I go back to bed there is a lot less coverage on this ole gal! It was hot last night so I was okay with the breeze sneaking in under the edge of the covers :x and I knew he must be hurting so didn't give him a good poke in the back. ;) I do have visions of pulling hard on the covers and unwinding him onto the floor some nights. ;) :lol: But, of course, I never have done it.......the mental image makes me content.

Weight this morning is 1# under ticker (yesterday was .5 over ticker).

Babies arrive in a couple hours ....

HB, Rose and Marie hummmmmm........temptation rears it's ugly head once again. LOL I do need to visit and fall in love with llamas I think.

Hope no one gets sick from their plastic bottle bacteria bugs today. I refilled mine again so I'm just dancing around danger---aren't I brave & bold!

Or would that be foolish and foolhardy?

Make it a good one!
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