I'm feeling a bit growley right now and I'm going to journal about it.
Last night when I went to see the new g'baby (at the hospital). I asked to have my photo taken with him (yeah, me asking to have my photo taken is not a normal thing to come out of my mouth! I
hate having my picture taken!) I looked at the photos this morning and I look awful! DANG IT!! I still look heavy (well, technically I am still heavy, LOL, so I don't know why I didn't expect to look that way). I feel so much slimmer that I'm surprised daily that people who know me well (my children mainly) haven't noticed that I've lost 33+ pounds. I was dressing to hide my loss for the first 30# or so, but lately I've begun wearing smaller sizes and, I thought, it showed that I had lost a fair amount of weight.
Anyway........I thought that the 'camn damera' would show it, too.
It didn't.
I guess maybe another 10 or 15 or 20# and it will make a huge difference.
I remember Biki telling me that it took 60# before people really began telling her that it looked like she lost weight so maybe that is going to be my experience, too.
Okay, end of rant.
I just wanted the camera to show what I was feeling inside (thinner).......maybe in a month or two.........