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Postby holberry » May 1st, 2007, 9:30 am

The Food Monster :nana: has no place in our lives!
Tawanda, your positive, kind attitude comes through the print. Im glad you are on this forum.
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Postby Lizabette » May 1st, 2007, 2:34 pm

MISS TEE, it is so rewarding to know that something I wrote has helped someone in a positive way.
I know the feeling, because so many have helped me along the way.
Thank you for being so kind, my dear T-GIRL...
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby DonicaB » May 1st, 2007, 2:37 pm

Tawanda~ I knew you would figure out what was causing you to be down. Your words are so true........our attitudes definitely control our actions. I see it daily with my students, but for some reason it's harder to see in myself. Thanks for the reminder!!!!!

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Postby Tawanda » May 2nd, 2007, 6:07 am

Still playing with that same .5. Up, down, up, down, up, down..... :lol: One of these days it will be gone and I'm really looking forward to seeing a 7 on the scale!

Alarm went off too early this morning or at least that is what it still feels like..... :)
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Postby bikipatra » May 2nd, 2007, 6:29 am

Patience. It WILL happen. And then you'll get all the gratitude that comes with it. Even more than you have now! :)
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Postby dede4wd » May 2nd, 2007, 2:11 pm

Just sticking my nose in your journal, catching up, seeing how you're doing!

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Postby Tawanda » May 3rd, 2007, 8:27 am

Good morning......I'm glad you guys stick your noses in my journal. I value the input but also enjoy your personalities a lot. :D

I just clipped this out of someone's journal......I think it was Donica's :oops: but I don't really remember (I feel like I'm pulling my brains behind me like a little kid pulls a wagon.....dang but I hate these times! :? I should be use to them by now..... :lol:). Anyway, I clipped it without asking and without responding in the journal......I'll have to go back and do that when I finish with this.

I wanted to clip Jo's response, to Biki's post on Donica's journal (hope I got that all right...), so that I'd have it close by so I can reread it...often.... I also should go clip Biki's response to Donica.......dang.........maybe I should just go clip everyone's journals and put them here so I'd have them at my fingertips? So many people with such excellent insight and input!

Serendipity wrote:Great post, bebes! You are amazing me!

One thing that I found helpful was to find someone who has succeeded (in my case, Nancy), and just copy what she did. I knew that if I stuck to the program like she did, I would lose the weight, and now in maintenance, I know that if I keep Medifast if my life and keep focused, I will maintain. There is a power there that I have never felt in the past. Follow the examples of those who have been there, and you can't fail. Don't be afraid to ask questions. We all have doubts, but they can be overcome with time if we have a tried and true plan.

I have recently had some mental adjustments to do on myself. During my 'what if I ate that.......' or 'what if I cheated just this one meal/day'....I began having a snack. Now, there is nothing wrong with a snack that MF allows. But for me, who ate just like Donica shared in her journal yesterday...snacking isn't necessarily a good thing to begin if I don't need to do it.

Someone shared some PNB2 with me and I love it. I began having a bar with PNB2 spread on it (nuked the bar for about 8 seconds). It was wonderful tasting and every day when I had it, I really had to do some stern talking to myself so that I wouldn't give into the temptation to have another. I also began collecting recipes here and on various other MF sites. I don't like cooking ;) so I haven't done much more than collect the recipes although I did make muffins one time and also made cookies once....oh and yesterday I tried to make crackers using the Cream of Tomato soup. Nothing wrong with using the MF recipes so long as the recipes stick with the MF products. But........I had the bar with the PNB2 (snack serving) yesterday and then made the crackers which had 1 TB of FF cream cheese in them. Now, I don't know how many snacks the program allows, but I could see and sense that I had the tips of my toes starting to slide on a slippery slope in regards to pushing the envelope on allowed foods and going off program with little extras. Enough little extras such as the PNB2 and additions to MF foods to make recipes and I'd be adding too many carbs and upsetting the MF program ratios.

So, I decided to stop, before I started slipping full footed, and go back to doing the program clean and tidy.......which to me means opening the packets, mixing them up as suggested and sticking to that instead of continuing to walk on the edge of compliance (in my own mind, I was walking on the edge----perhaps all that I was doing was/is perfectly fine).

So........I'll file away all the recipes for transition or maintainance time, I'll put the PNB2 jar into the cupboard and I'm back to my un-doctored, no frills added ;), MF plan. For me and my food history.....this is the best way.
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Postby Pashta » May 3rd, 2007, 8:58 am

Hey Tawanda, actually the full-fat cream cheese is best according to NS, the fat free version has more carbs. The regular version has almost no carbs per TBS (0.4).

I am lucky that I never struggle like that with the snacks. I craved peanut butter one time and I only had a half a tablespoon with no problem walking away.

It's good that you are paying close attention to any trends and keep an eye out for bad behaviors before they even develop! :D
- Tonia

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Postby bikipatra » May 3rd, 2007, 9:15 am

Tawanda wrote:

So, I decided to stop, before I started slipping full footed, and go back to doing the program clean and tidy.......which to me means opening the packets, mixing them up as suggested and sticking to that instead of continuing to walk on the edge of compliance (in my own mind, I was walking on the edge----perhaps all that I was doing was/is perfectly fine).

So........I'll file away all the recipes for transition or maintainance time, I'll put the PNB2 jar into the cupboard and I'm back to my un-doctored, no frills added ;), MF plan. For me and my food history.....this is the best way.

I totally agree. I have never really started with the snacks or little extras because I do believe for me it is a slippery slope. I am having a rough enough time getting the scale to move being perfectly compliant.
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Postby holberry » May 3rd, 2007, 9:30 am

Im so glad you pulled your piggies off that slippery edge. It's not an option. I love the quote, very right on, looking at how others suceed. I try to read success stories all the time. We know we can do this too!
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Postby dede4wd » May 3rd, 2007, 10:14 am

I'm just so thankful you recognized it!

I realized when I started back up that I was "dabbing, spritzing, and sprinkling" myself right out of ketosis and the hungries came! Everything is so much simpler (and moving faster) now that I've decided to quit adding and doing the program as written!

I like looking at the recipes too, but so many of them toe the slippery slope and I realized I just do and feel better when I do 7oz of this and a cup and a half of that and just do it!

I also do a lot better now that I've simplified my MF meals...I'm pretty much sticking to RTD's, bars and pudding now. I was doctoring too many things!

Same with my snacks! I've realized I can't control myself with the soy crisps, so they're out of here! My snack is celery and the olives...I'm not hungry, why trigger my toes against the slippery slope!

What you quoted, Jo following Nancy and doing what she did. I'm now following the tradition and doing what Jo did...all the way to goal AND through maintenance!

This is a simple plan and it works! I think I've already proven that "DeDe's plan" doesn't! LOL! So, I'm going to follow those that have done it so flawlessly and do the plan THAT way!

I know PB and PB2 is allowed on the program, it's just too much for me, as are the soy crisps! I'm happier since I DECIDED this! I hope you are too!

Let's finish this! Together!

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Postby DonicaB » May 3rd, 2007, 10:43 am

If you think about it.......it really is so simple. Just follow the plan as written and you will have success.

I, too, have caught myself starting to slide on a slippery slope when I add things. I'm not good at measuring stuff anyway, so I can imagine that when I do add things, I'm getting a lot more than I think I am. Those amounts add up.

Like DeDe said, my way hasn't worked too good in the past, so I'm watching how others have done it.

We are all learning some valuable lessons here. Doesn't it feel good!!!

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Postby Tawanda » May 3rd, 2007, 10:59 am

I'm searching this site and around the net trying to find out if that darn tablespoon of cream cheese is program allowed or if I have to toss aside my bragging that I've been 100% compliant! LOL I'm hoping that since I found the recipe on one of the medifast sites' (mymedifast) recipe section that the cream cheese, in that quantity is an allowable part of the lean for the day.......

gotta keep searching so I know if I'm done bragging about being program compliant.........

:shock: :? :roll: Yeah, I've become too obsessed over it. :lol:
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Postby Tawanda » May 3rd, 2007, 11:33 am

I found it!!!! LOL It took a bit of sleuthing but I found my answer.

This was in the ask Nutritional Support (NS) on a Medifast site and the reply is from a NS person.....I didn't ask permission to copy it here, so I'm leaving off the names and the post was from 2007 so I'm feeling okay about things. (I underlined what NS said the cream cheese should be classified as on program).

I've been seeing recipes w/ 1 oz FF cream cheese - I know that other fat free cheese is allowed, but it looks like cream cheese isn't. Is that right? Thanks,

We do not encourage cream cheese because of its carbohydrate content and saturated fat content. Actually regular cream cheese is lower in carbohydrate (0.4 grams/ Tbsp)content than its fat free counterparts(1.05 grams of carbohydrate/ Tbsp). We do try to support customers in acheiving success and also incorporating products that they desire to be successful and stay committed to the program. Cream cheese can be incorporated as a condiment serving. One tablespoon =one condiment servings.
While regular or low-fat cheese can be a meatless substitute, cream cheese must be used as a condiment because it is mostly fat and does not contain the protein content.
thanks for inquiring...

Okay, I'm finally done obsessing over that darn 1 TBS of whipped cream cheese that I used with the packet of Cream of Tomato soup to make the soup into crackers yesterday!!! (it had 30 cal., .5 gram carb, and .5 gram of protein per tablespoon)

Whew!! LOL

Wonder if obsessing about something like that is considered exercising? ;)

I get to continue to call myself program compliant (which obviously means a lot to me) and I am no longer going to do anything that might make me over react about being compliant again. ;) Aren'tcha glad? ROFL!!!
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Postby Pashta » May 3rd, 2007, 11:52 am

Hmm, isn't that what I just said to you above? ;) That is where I read it and I quoted it to you hehe.
- Tonia

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