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Re: Tawanda

Postby Tawanda » April 27th, 2010, 6:00 am

Began MediFast 2/10/07 212#
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Re: Tawanda

Postby oksoonergirl26 » April 27th, 2010, 6:57 pm

T, wish I could say something to help you out, but I am in the same boat you are in. I can't decide what the ideal "number" is and wonder if I should stop here and try not to gain? I just don't know anymore either.
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Re: Tawanda

Postby Tawanda » April 28th, 2010, 5:36 am

149# this morning. Wonderful to be below 150# again. Day 3 of compliance to 5/1 program.

Oksoonergal....I feel like I'm splitting hairs when I think about a goal weight. I do not want to try to pick an unrealistic goal weight (a weight I could maintain at 30 years of age is not necessarily one that I can maintain 20+ years later) but then I also do not want to kid myself and chose a weight that is higher than what would be healthiest for my body. Even carrying an extra 10# is going to be wearing (energy, weight bearing on my knees & feet). Plus, my clothing on this body......one size is too big at this weight and the next size down is tight. I know me....and loose has meant 'license to eat and fill it out' . I believe it would be in my best interest to not stay at 147....but I just don't know. My latest decision, which is always subject to mulling and change (unfortunately) is 145-147 as my very highest allowed weight. I hate getting back up into the 150s as it is a gateway to gaining more and more as I become discouraged (just another excuse to throw my hands up and EAT).

A pizza birthday party this weekend at my house for a grandchild. Thankfully it will be here instead of at a pizza place and I can make sure there is plenty of raw veggies & some protein for me a legal L & G, along with a healthier choice for anyone else that does not want pizza.

:thumbup: Here's to a successful 5/1 day.
Began MediFast 2/10/07 212#
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Re: Tawanda

Postby Karli » April 29th, 2010, 9:03 am

Hi, Tawanda --

I'm feeling more able to be supportive now, and I just want to congratulate you, actually, for having reached goal again when you did. Honestly, I peeked into the forum not *too* long ago for the first time in awhile, especially to see how you were doing, and I had seen that you had reached goal. I knew I should be happy for you, but I will admit I was a little jealous. It's easy to be jealous when a person feels like they can't do what somebody else is doing ... but deep down, I knew I *could* do it, and your doing it was proof that it could be done.

I can honestly say that I am happy for you -- though I see it can still be a struggle. It is nice to see though that you have gotten yourself back on and are making your way down again, despite a little trip upwards. That is a talent, I believe, to catch oneself like that. I see that it's difficult to find the right goal weight and I guess it just might be like that for awhile, as you live in your mind and body and get used to it being something other than uncomfortable altogether. I've liked to think that I want to aim pretty low myself, but I am needing to really consider adjusting it, I think, and I guess I can give myself permission to feel it out.

Hope that your day is treating you well, that you are finding things to be manageable, and that you are keeping yourself on track. Have a good day :).
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Re: Tawanda

Postby Karli » May 5th, 2010, 12:31 pm

Hey, T -- How's it going ? :)
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Re: Tawanda

Postby Tawanda » May 7th, 2010, 5:52 am


The days are going by so quickly! I have not been able to spend as much time on the computer as had been my normal. I've been gardening (flowers not veggies), along with babysitting, painting (walls) and other things (spring cleaning windows, etc). I love the energy that I have since losing all the weight, but wish I had more. LOL

I'm getting ready to leave the house to go babysit for the day. I'm not going to be able to do more than post this and then fly out the door. I hope everyone is doing well.
Began MediFast 2/10/07 212#
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Re: Tawanda

Postby Tawanda » May 9th, 2010, 9:30 am

Began MediFast 2/10/07 212#
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Re: Tawanda

Postby oksoonergirl26 » May 17th, 2010, 7:16 pm

Hey T,

How are you doing?I am officially in "maintenance" mode for now.
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Re: Tawanda

Postby Tawanda » May 28th, 2010, 6:03 am

Weight: 150.1

I'm sorry I've been absent so long. Life has been changing around here, things changing. Busy times. My weight is up/down. I'm working at controlling my eating urges and making wiser choices.

I hope everyone is doing well.
Began MediFast 2/10/07 212#
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Re: Tawanda

Postby Tawanda » May 29th, 2010, 9:18 am

150.5# (why did I write 150.1 yesterday? My scale only does weight in half pounds :oops: )

I'll be glad to dip back under 150 - hopefully soon. I'm bouncing all over the place and not doing a good job of not going above 147. Staying on program or following transition/maintenance would be a good idea.... :oops:

We're staying home this weekend. Hope everyone has an enjoyable long weekend.
Began MediFast 2/10/07 212#
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Re: Tawanda

Postby Tawanda » June 8th, 2010, 6:42 pm

Wow, I'm not doing a good job of keeping up online. Life has been busy and full. Our nest emptied, my youngest grandchild had seizures within hours of having 6 month vaccinations, one of my adult children has been ill and needing my assistance often and now my DH is ill. When it rains, it pours... On top of all of the previous, we will be having a wedding at our home in a couple weeks. No stress.....LOL.

Anyway, weight is holding steady around 150-152. Higher than I'd like so that is making me a bit cranky with myself. Otherwise I'm just trying to hold on as life spins out of my control.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Began MediFast 2/10/07 212#
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Re: Tawanda

Postby Karli » June 9th, 2010, 7:36 am

Hey, T -- good to hear from you ! Hang in there with all the stuff ! I know you're a little higher than you would like, but I think you're doing pretty darn well. Cheers !
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Re: Tawanda

Postby oksoonergirl26 » June 9th, 2010, 8:04 am

Keep fighting the good fight!
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Re: Tawanda

Postby Tawanda » June 28th, 2010, 6:25 am

Huge changes in my life in the past 4-5 weeks. Our nest emptied, once again and we had a wedding in our home a few days ago. I'm so ready for 'quiet' and 'calm'. ;)

My weight is up (no big surprise). I did not weigh this morning but yesterday I was at 158 (11# over goal). I'm back on 5-1 to get these pounds off.
Began MediFast 2/10/07 212#
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Re: Tawanda

Postby katesmom » July 27th, 2010, 5:00 am

Hi T !
So glad that you stopped by my journal to say hello !
I have no doubt that you will knock those pesky pounds off in no time...
It's great to connect with you again !
Have a great day !

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