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Postby katesmom » February 13th, 2009, 11:11 am

Hi Tawanda,
I am so sorry that your child is struggling but feel grateful that you can be there for them..Yes, when we have children, we never know what is around the horizon, but always know a higher power (not trying to be holy here...really) is there watching oiver you all....

One day and each moment at a time and you will all be okay...I learned this after a very traumatic experience 2.5 years ago...I didn't believe that there was "someone or something else" in control of things...and just when I "let go" and stopped trying to control everything, things fell into place the way they were supposed to...

Okay, off my counseling chair now, promise !!

We will all be here and praying for you and your family...

Love and hugs to you all... :hug:
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Postby Tawanda » February 18th, 2009, 8:07 am

Good morning! It is a frosty 28 degrees here and the house is on the 'too cold' side right this minute. Hopefully I'll have a hot flash soon and warm up. :shock: :? :lol: I was turning up the thermostat when I woke (as is my normal) but that caused the others to wake up sweating.....so, now I'm enjoying ;) a bit cooler temps until everyone else wakes.

Life is still very busy here but has settled, somewhat, into a new routine. I'm much busier than I've been for a lot of years, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

My 2 year anniversary on MF came and went without me taking notice (last week). I had wished to be back at my chosen goal weight on that anniversary, but it didn't happen (no big surprise considering how I handle life changes and stress). I am still maintaining about 17# over my goal weight (blech on me!). I stopped exercising a few weeks ago and miss it so I plan on beginning again today.

My home is still topsy-turvy but I did buy some boxes yesterday to begin sorting and organizing all of my things that were placed haphazardly in our attic (huge room---full of 'stuff'). My plan is to replace as many of the boxes being used to hold things, with 'same size' boxes that will stack nicely. I love being organized (or maybe I love the idea of being organized?) and things looking orderly------too bad organization doesn't come easily to me.

Today I'm going to be 100% on program (I promised myself that I would do it!). Today I'm going to exercise (I promised myself that I would do it!). Today I have to go buy groceries (almost out of milk for the little ones)......and today I've promised myself to take along my supplements when I leave the house so that I am not tempted to drive through and have fast food because of my poor planning (yeah, I did that last week).

I just gave up my lap blanket to my 5 year old grandson who just woke up. Brrr! Time to begin storing more lap blankets in the living room methinks.

Hope everyone is doing well!
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Postby Lauren » February 18th, 2009, 12:04 pm

Hey, T.! So glad you checked in and you sound like you're coming around that dark corner. I suck at change - especially the kind that affects my daily routine - so I can not even imagine what you're going through right now. I always like to think that I'd step up to the plate in as grand a way as you have, if the need required it, but one only knows when it happens. So, you are obviously a rockstar. Me? Still to be determined. Ha!

Anyway, yes, you are going to stay compliant today. And yes, you are going to exercise today. You know why? Because you KNOW that all the other chaos is easier to deal with when you feel good about you. You know this, which is why you're going to stick to your guns. And don't think of it as 17lbs, think of it as just doing what you gotta do, one day at a time, one pound at a time. It comes off easily if you do the plan, you know it. Just do it.

And try to check in again if/when you get a second.

Cheers, lovely lady,

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Postby Tawanda » February 19th, 2009, 9:11 pm

Thank you Lauren, but I deserve no accolades.......I'm struggling big time with many things. My free time is very little, quiet time is scarce, my spacious home isn't spacious any longer.....every thing is topsy turvy in my life and I'm not handling it with much grace------I'm trying to not show my frustration & unhappiness, I'm praying that it doesn't show because I am happy that my child feels comfortable leaving a difficult relationship to save her children (and herself) and that they are here-----but I'm feeling it and having a horrible time finding an outlet other than stuffing myself with food.

I need to start exercising to relieve the stress and frustration!
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Postby DogMa » February 20th, 2009, 8:35 am

So you HAVE found an outlet other than food, missy. You just need to USE it. ;)

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Postby katesmom » February 22nd, 2009, 8:24 am

Hi T,
Hope you are hanging in there. You can PM if you need to chat...

Have a great day ! :)
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Postby Tawanda » February 25th, 2009, 7:25 am

Good morning. No news is good news? Life is still busier than I'm comfortable with and also more stressful that I'd like. Even stressful times do settle into somewhat of a routine, or so it seems, so I'm experiencing less tears that I was 2 weeks ago. A good thing.

Weight? Blech!
Food choices and amounts? Double blech!

I am having difficulty caring and that is just wrong--it is punishing me for what is happening around me. Dumb and cannot continue.

Next check-in will be positive ;)
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Postby katesmom » February 25th, 2009, 1:21 pm

Hang in Tawanda !
We are all here if you need feedback or just to vent !

Hugs and Blessings !
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Postby nickieluv » February 25th, 2009, 1:56 pm

Food as punishment - VERY familiar tune for me. You're not alone. I can't wait to hear your positive check-in soon. :D
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Postby katieb920 » February 25th, 2009, 6:44 pm

I am right there with you..... Lets do this together. Maybe we should do another challenge. Just a thought
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Postby Lauren » February 26th, 2009, 8:10 am

Hey, T.!

Take a step back for just a second and refocus your energy on something that has absolutely NOTHING to do with weight loss, your body, eating, any of that. Think of something that brings you joy. Uncomplicated, simple joy. What is that? (no, you don't have to tell us!) Do you care about that? Can you get that, buy that, see that, feel that, or make that happen? If not now, when? Make a plan to make that happen.

See, I think that we all get in a slump, and the slump doesn't have to have anything to do with our eating, but our "diet" seems to be so, I don't know, exhausting, when piled ON TOP of that slump, that we just step away from the whole damn thing. We step away a bit from life. No, maybe you haven't truly "checked out," because your family has needed you so much - but you're as close as possible because you're tired, stressed, overwhelmed, and just DONE.

My suggestion is to find just one simple thing that will rejuvinate you, help you find a tiny piece of joy in the midst of the yuck. That's it. Don't try to do anything else, just find some joy that's all yours. Let it refill your tank a bit, I think you're running low on fuel... :-)

Thinking of you,

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Postby Karli » March 4th, 2009, 10:48 pm

Hey Tawanda, just thinking about you and hoping things are getting better ! You can do it :).
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Postby Tawanda » March 16th, 2009, 7:27 am

I'm not sure what to write, but I didn't want to appear to have fallen off the face of the planet---or given up on myself and my desire to be back at my goal weight. I haven't given up and never will. This is too important.

Life is settling down around here more and more each week. Friday will be a big day for us and we're all praying that it goes well. I'll share a bit more about it later, right now we're on pins and needles---hopefully things will be better after Friday.

Good news:
I'm on day 4 of 100% compliance. :)
I'm learning to let go of things I have no control over.
I've been successful in making God my daily focus instead of food (every time I'm tempted to eat off plan I just remind myself that I'm taking better care of 'me' -- my body and my health -- to show God how very much I appreciate the wonderful gifts He has given me in my life).

Not so good news: I'm still not exercising (hoping to change
today--if I can get the DVD player to work.)

Well, some of the family is awake so I'd better get offline....

I hope everyone has a good and successful day!
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Postby mytime » March 16th, 2009, 7:38 pm

Great Job!!!! 4 days is AWESOME !!!! Mytime
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Postby nickieluv » March 18th, 2009, 9:33 am

Learning to let go - I think we have found another commonality. :)

I'm glad things are settling into a kind of routine and I hope the news Friday is positive for your family. I'm sure it feels good to take control of something when other things seem so out of control. I hope your streak of compliance is still growing.
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