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Postby Tawanda » April 16th, 2008, 7:03 am

Lauren, soo good to see you!

I need to do more than wear my pedometer and challenge myself with the step counting. It was a great start...but now it is time to step up the exercise.

Intelligent choices........some days/weeks I do well and some days I regress back to the actions/thoughts that 'helped' me get to my highest weight. Consisitant intelligence would be nice............. LOL

Yesterday I had my hair cut short. I was still having quite a bit of hair loss, perhaps partially because of the low-calorie diet but also probably from breakage/fall out that is normal for long hair? I wore my hair in a scrunchie ponytail 95% of the time so good hair days weren't the norm. I figured I was always pulling my hair back/up so that it was out of my way and it looked short......may as well cut the darn stuff off and get rid of the ponytails/scrunchies and numerous (too numerous) bad hair days. I don't know if the bad hair days are gone......but there is a lot less hair to fuss with......yikes!

So, I need to get myself a new avatar photo put up........

That is the news from here. Not sure what my day will hold. I'd love to go window shopping but have plenty here in the house that should be done (laundry & housework.......blech!). So.............best get my day going.

Weight today??? Ugly number. Truly ugly number ---- :shock:
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Postby Lauren » April 16th, 2008, 7:55 am

Hey, T.!

What's amazing about the walking is that you only have to "step it up" a little at a time to see great results. So, whether that's incorporating more walking, or walking faster, or walking on more hills, any (or, bonus, all!) of these choices will lead to improvement in fitness, and likely in weight loss. Seriously, T., even if you did your normal walking, and then did a tiny little sprint from one traffic light to another or up a set of stairs or anything that will get your heart rate up for at least :30, it will make a significant difference, I swear!

Congrats on the hair cut! I think it makes perfect sense, and they do say that pulling our hair back all the time leads to breakage, so perhaps this cut will improve the quality/volume of your hair! Can't hurt, right?

Oh, and don't view the number on the scale as ugly, just view it as motivation! :-)


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Postby aquarianskye » April 16th, 2008, 8:10 am

Hey lady! It's been awhile again. I'm looking forward to your updated pics. I said months ago that I needed a haircut and I'm still too chicken to do it. Maybe if I see those pictures I can be more adventurous! :D

It seems like the forum is fixed? I've been awol for awhile cause I was frustrated.

I hope you have an awesome day T! Maybe I won't wait two weeks to check in again!
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Postby katieb920 » April 18th, 2008, 4:06 am

Hey T,

Just checking in on ya.... A new hair cut I would love to see. So you have the twins today? Hope you have a great day
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Postby Tawanda » April 24th, 2008, 10:35 am

Accountability time------

I have been doing a lousy job in the last 3-4 weeks. I returned to poor choices and eating habits, gaining back about 7#. Right now, I've been fighting the food/eating monster and have lost 4 of those 7#. I am currently 150.5 which is 3.5# above my goal weight. Two weeks ago I was 148.5 on roll call day, but that was a short lived (and lucky) drop in my weight.

No excuses work to explain......I just made poor choices and began eating for recreation once again. I am thankful that I did get rid of all my clothes as I shrunk out of them because wearing my very uncomfortably tight jeans (the size 6s and the size 8s are both very, very uncomfortabe) is a reminder (practically every minute of the day) that I need to make better choices.

So.........this is part of why I've been quiet, but I needed to be real----this is where I am at and it is all due to poor choices and premeditated decisions.

The grandbabies are here today so I need to get offline.....just felt it might be beneficial for me to journal my current reality.
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Postby cydj21 » April 24th, 2008, 11:11 am

Hi :) I am really happy for you that you're back and looking to stay accountable. I know how easy it is to start putting back on 3, 4, 7, even 10lbs and it feels crappy both physically and mentally. The best to do is stay aware so I am glad you got rid of those smaller clothes! You'll be back to goal weight in no time. :D
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Postby DogMa » April 24th, 2008, 12:00 pm

Yep, you're doing fine, T. I had a bit of an upswing myself lately, and am working to correct it. But on The Biggest Loser finale, Bob Harper (one of the trainers) talked about this very thing, and said you're always going to have times when you struggle and go up a bit, and that's perfectly normal. I think the key is just stopping it before it gets out of hand and getting back on track and back down to where you were.

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Postby Lauren » April 24th, 2008, 1:10 pm

Hey, T.! Yep, accountability and awareness is key, and you stopped it in its tracks!

There must have been something in the air recently. A couple weeks ago I inexplicably LOST a few more pounds, not realizing I had changed anything, and to be fair, I didn't want to lose that weight (my face looks too gaunt). SO, I decided to add a bit more "extras" into my diet the following week to even it out, and get back to my comfortable place. But somehow opened the door just a sliver to old behaviors. I didn't get out of hand, but I could see how I was starting to construct my days around when I could have that extra treat - giving back the power to the treat, you know? Well, my weight swang back up AND FAST! Fortunately I caught it before it exceeded my comfortable maintenance-land, but the fact that it was able to cycle so rapidly, and that my mind was really able to go back to old ways, was a true moment of clarity.

For the last 4 days I have been virtually "treat-less." Not because I HAVE to do it to maintain (I actually lost the weight already), but because I needed to remind myself of what it is to be BACK IN CONTROL.

It's having control over our "stuff" that makes the difference, so I definitely think your coming on board and putting it out there and reigning it all in is a critical step to regaining that control.

So so so sorry for the long rant in your journal, T., just wanted you to know that I totally understand (as do the others) how easy it is to walk the slippery slope.

Best to you,

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Postby katesmom » April 25th, 2008, 7:35 am

Hi Tawanda !
Thanks for stopping by my journal to say hello...I agree, accountability is so important on this plan...Kudos for you for hanging in there and getting back to where you are comfortable...The "food monster" has left the building !

Have a great day ! :)
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Postby Tawanda » April 27th, 2008, 7:12 am

Hello! I'm feeling a bit blue about my weight (so, do something about your choices Einstein!!). I think it is time to reinstate my ticker, will think on doing that today.

Weight this a.m.: 152.5 (5.5# above my goal). UGH!

Hopefully I will be at goal weight (again) by next roll call.
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Postby Tawanda » April 29th, 2008, 10:14 am

Weight still at 152.5. Second day of being back on 5-1 (with 100% compliance so far and 8 glasses of water drank yesterday.....I know, big deal---but it is a big deal to me :D ).

I'd love to be back at 147 by roll call but uncertain if that is an attainable goal or just a pipe dream at this point (what is a pipe dream anyway?).

I walked on my treadmill for about 13 to 15 minutes today, yes I had a timer going but I was interrupted by a phone call and did not take notice of the time when I turned off the treadmill (duh moment once again!). I still wear my pedometer daily and have 4300+ steps so far today. It truly has helped to get me moving more most days.

I didn't turn my ticker back on.....too lazy to go find the link and repost it. Okay, so that won't take much energy and I'll go do it. ;) I am very lazy about some things and need to work on that big flaw.
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Postby DogMa » April 29th, 2008, 11:42 am

Ha. T, don't worry about it. I'm still very lazy about some things, and then not at all about others.

And the pedometer DOES make you do a little more, doesn't it? I remember someone at work taking the elevator one night and another woman commented because she normally took the stairs. She said she only did that when she wore the pedometer. Heh.

I don't know if you'll be 147 by roll call, but you'll be lower than you are. Good enough.

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Postby cydj21 » April 29th, 2008, 12:22 pm

T, I wondered how many steps you usually aim for with the pedometer? I've been contemplating getting one myself. You are well on your way to losing those pesky pounds so keep at it! :D
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Postby Tawanda » April 30th, 2008, 5:35 am

151.5# this morning. Steps: 8412 (for me it varies anywhere between 3600 to 11,500 per day).

Day 3 today.....not easy to stick to program yet. Hopefully soon ketosis will kick in and I'll make it through the days (compliant) more easily. It doesn't look like I'll get to 147 by Sunday, but I will be (hopefully) under 150 by then.
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Postby fairladyj » April 30th, 2008, 9:18 am

Hi -
trying to keep motivated for my restart, so cruising thru journals. Saw your question "What is a pipe dream, anyway?" and thoought I would respond.

Back in the 19th century, opium was legal almost everywhere in the world, and smoking opium in a pipe was the preferred method of ingestion. As expected, addiction rates were astronomical, and most people were familiar with the signs and symptoms of someone using opium - hence "pipe dream" became a common expression for a totally unrealistic idea (as one might get in an opium high).

Way too much info, but since you asked. . . :lol:

Hope everyone is doing better with their current challenges. Thanks for being willing to share them.
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