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Postby Tawanda » March 25th, 2008, 6:15 am

Frustrating time attempting to post the above message. I give up (for now anyway, :lol: ) and will check in again in a few days....
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Postby queenielou » March 26th, 2008, 5:35 pm

Hey T,

Hope you're doing well today. Hope your mom is doing better, too. Take care!
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Postby dede4wd » March 27th, 2008, 12:50 pm

Hi T,
I stopped by because I saw that medallion on your signature and wanted to offer a belated congratulations! You did it girl!

Sorry about your Mom, hope she's doing better!

Let us know the pedometer statistics...so glad your doc's visit went well!

So happy for you and proud of you!

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Postby Tawanda » March 30th, 2008, 7:42 am

Hi Queenie and Dede. :) I'm still having trouble with my ISP off and on but last night and this morning the site seems a bit better (maybe it is because I haven't tried to post much?) I appreciate Unca working on this for us.

Mom came home on Easter morning and is doing okay. She is weak, weepy (side effect of her meds?) but otherwise seems better. I hope she is able to recover completely from this--scary to watch someone lose their independence along with their strength.

We had the twins 3 days this week and also our other grandchildren for a few hours on Friday. For awhile we had 4 kids here 10 months to 4.5 years old.... pretty busy, noisy and tiring for the grandparents---along with being fun to watch them all interact. The 10 month old began walking in the last 2 weeks so he was in the midst of all that was going on with the other 3.

I had a bit of a run in with eating to soothe myself during mom's hospitalization and time back home. I'm happy to report that my weight is just 1# over ticker this morning and that I'm still using the pedometer along with journalling all my food. I drank 8 glasses of water yesterday (big whoop-de-dooo :lol:).

Twins are waking up so I'd better go. We had them overnight and I need to get them fed and dressed for church.

Hope everyone has a nice Sunday.
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Postby katieb920 » March 30th, 2008, 7:47 am

Wow T,

Seems like you have been pretty busy. All I have to say is that you are such a strong woman. You are a wonderful Mother, A great Daughter, and absolutely the Best GRANDMOTHER. I am just wishing you the best week ever.
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Postby Tawanda » March 30th, 2008, 8:02 am

Katie, thank you for your sweet note. I am nothing special. I have lots of moments of being cranky when I have either offered or been asked to do things for others. No halo deserved here!

I appreciate you!
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Postby holberry » March 30th, 2008, 10:26 am

Morning T :D
have a super day.
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Postby Sojourner » April 8th, 2008, 11:58 pm

Tawanda wrote:I am nothing special.

Hola, Mizz T!!

I have a picture I'd like to share with you. It's really nothing special...
afterall, it happens every single day. But isn't it just beautiful and extraordinary??



Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby lifelovinaries » April 9th, 2008, 1:54 pm

Sojourner wrote:
Tawanda wrote:I am nothing special.

Hola, Mizz T!!

I have a picture I'd like to share with you. It's really nothing special...
afterall, it happens every single day. But isn't it just beautiful and extraordinary??



T, and with it sometimes comes the rain, DOWN POURS if you will...but beautiful and extraordinary, nonetheless. :hug:

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Postby Tawanda » April 10th, 2008, 8:45 am


Thank you.
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Postby aquarianskye » April 10th, 2008, 9:53 am

Hey T! Been away for awhile. Just thought I'd check in and see how things are going with you. Miss you girlie! Hope things are well in your part of the world!
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Postby Tawanda » April 11th, 2008, 8:15 am

Hello Skye!

I've done a poor job of keeping in touch here. It began with internet woes and that along with the server problems that MMT was having just made it easy to not check in.

Weight.....I'm wearing a few extra pounds this week and even though that is rotten enough to see on the scale---the worst thing is that the waistband of my jeans is uncomfortably tight by the end of the day. Last night I thought many times about unbuttoning and unzipping them so I could be more comfortable. But did not as I deserve to be uncomfortable when I've gained and I need that uncomfortable feeling stuck into my memory so that today I'll make wiser choices (tough love for this grandma!).

So.......before the twins arrive, I need to go fill up my water bottle and set write down my food plan for the day. "Prior planning prevents poor performance"..... ;) Or at least I hope it will.

Hello to all........hope everyone is doing well or if they are struggling keep plugging along and doing your best. This is a battle that we can (and will) win.

(HB, where are you? It is almost time for the puppies to be born isn't it? Hope all is well)
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Postby Joy » April 11th, 2008, 8:45 am


I got behind my on my post and then saw you had visited - You are such a welcomed and enjoyable person to have! I always have a reason to smile when you post :D in my journal and impart encouragment.

I really would love it if the forum had a spell check for posting, I am always suprised at my creative spelling sometimes when I can catch it? :shock:

I send you happy smiles and hopes for a wonderful day!

yours warmly,
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Postby Tawanda » April 13th, 2008, 9:57 am

Hi Joy!

Today's roll call weight 148.5# (1.5# over my goal). I've set myself a little challenge to drop some more weight in the next 5 weeks. I still feel that I should be a bit smaller. I've found that my jeans are snugger than I want them to be (I'd love to breathe and sit as comfortably in the evenings as I can in the mornings. :lol: ) so a few pounds less would do that for me. Apparently every pound I've regained from my lowest (143.5) has been fat weight (duh, I know) and that fat is making my jeans feel a lot smaller (grrr!). So.........

Still wearing my pedometer daily and moving more. I love wearing it and having the little challenge to get those step counts growing. My highest count has been in the 11,000's ....I need to see if I can get up to 12,000 this week and then keep myself at least at 10,000 daily (I can do 9,000 pretty regularly).

So......that is my update. :)
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Postby Lauren » April 14th, 2008, 10:38 am

T., all you gotta do is move to NYC, those steps really add up in the big city!

It sounds like you're doing well and you have your head on straight with your goals. You know what you have to do and how to do it, so now just put it into action! We're all here to help if you need it...

Cheers, my dear!

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