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Postby Tawanda » March 15th, 2008, 7:56 am

It is Saturday!! No babysitting duties today! :) Tantrums and melt downs were surprisingly frequent this week which made for a stressed out Grandmother by the time they went home last night. Teething (mutiple molars for both of the babies) may have been part of the problem....whatever it was, I sure hope it is gone by the time I watch them next week! ;)

I've been having trouble with getting into the site :? Keep seeing a message that IE cannot open the page (400 error). Frustrating and may be my ISP problem instead of a site problem.

See you tomorrow at roll call......
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Postby Joy » March 15th, 2008, 10:55 am


I hope you are having some enjoyable weather even if it is cold. The sky is so amazing here today because of the high winds and clouds things just seem so much more vivid.

How are the Llamas doing? I have some friends I do not see much and they raise Alpacas. I was lucky enough to get some first cut that was spun and knit some hand warmers for my friend!

best regards,
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Postby Tawanda » March 15th, 2008, 1:48 pm

Joy wrote:......
How are the Llamas doing? ....best regards,

Hi Joy! You have me confused with Holberry, she is the one who has llamas.

I've been cleaning and organizing today, feels so good to get rid of extra clutter and things not used much.
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Postby Joy » March 15th, 2008, 4:39 pm

Tawanda wrote:
Joy wrote:......
How are the Llamas doing? ....best regards,

Hi Joy! You have me confused with Holberry, she is the one who has llamas.

I've been cleaning and organizing today, feels so good to get rid of extra clutter and things not used much.

Silly me I guess I think everyone has Llamas! :roll:

In any case, here is hoping you have a lovely evening.
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Postby Tawanda » March 16th, 2008, 6:38 am

Joy, that is okay and understandable. HB and I've talked here about me buying one of her llamas so that may be where the confusion started.

I am 1# below my 'new' goal weight. I have been at or below 147# for a couple days but just don't feel as excited about it as I would if that were the number that I had set as my goal originally. I know, I need to 'get over it'! LOL

Oh well......it is a done deal (raising my goal weight to the weight that I've maintained for the last six months) and I need to just appreciate being where I am in regards to my health and my weight.
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Postby Mickeyz » March 16th, 2008, 7:31 am

Oh T,

I think you should be dancing in the streets :dance: (good exercise! :lol: ) and singing from the rooftop! You have done an amazing job! ENJOY!

I know it must have been hard to change that original "goal" weight, but think of it this way: When you first started MF you guessed at a goal weight. There was no way to know what would be a good weight for you now. Your body has told you what it wants and you have done remarkable! So yes, get over it! :lol: (tough luv :heart: )

I sing praises to you!

You have done fantastic and you look great. You should be so proud.

It is time for transition. Don’t freak out if your weight fluctuates a little during transition. You may even find in the long run that you can shed that last couple pounds in the long run. Take it slow and easy and bask in the gorgeous body you have! Think about all the things you can do now that you could have never done a year ago (like keep up with those grand babies!)
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Postby Joy » March 16th, 2008, 8:49 am

Tawanda wrote:Joy, that is okay and understandable. HB and I've talked here about me buying one of her llamas so that may be where the confusion started.

I am 1# below my 'new' goal weight. I have been at or below 147# for a couple days but just don't feel as excited about it as I would if that were the number that I had set as my goal originally. I know, I need to 'get over it'! LOL

Oh well......it is a done deal (raising my goal weight to the weight that I've maintained for the last six months) and I need to just appreciate being where I am in regards to my health and my weight.

I think if you can accept your revised goal it is one less thing on your busy plate and then you can focus on other needs?

I think Mickey's point is perfect also about taking a guess weight for our goals when we start and whether what we wanted was realistic? I wanted 140 orginaly and then went to 150, then to 155 and now back down to 150? That could mean I am fickle or just changing to meet more realistic goals?

I agree with Mickey that you look amazing and I cheer for you whether you want to continue or you have reached you goal! You are a wonderful and lovely person!

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Postby Tawanda » March 17th, 2008, 6:35 am

Good morning!

Thank you Mickey and Joy for your words. I just keep telling my inner complaining brat to shuddup every time I hear that little voice whispering 'what a quitter for stopping before you hit 140' . My plan is to still strive to hit that weight----at some point. Right now, raising it, took some of the pressure off of me and I hope will make a change in my actions. Only time will tell if I can get to a lower weight.

Now, time to start toning up this body. I could have started a long time ago but didn't want to derail my weight loss (or that is the lie I would tell myself each time I thought of exercising......now what lie will I use?).

It didn't take me long at all to locate a maintaining medallion and paste it into my signature. :? :| :roll: ;) :lol: I had been wanting one of those for a very long time so like a greedy child I didn't wait for someone to send me the link to it (kind of like presenting a trophy to them) instead I ran to the trophy room and snagged one off the shelf for myself. :shock: :oops: :lol: I am such a putz at times and way too impatient. ;)

When a little grandchild wakes up in an hour or so, we'll have some breakfast and then deliver back home. I run some errands afterwards, then maybe........just maybe, I'll either walk outside or get myself on the treadmill.
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Postby Joy » March 17th, 2008, 8:02 am


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Postby queenielou » March 17th, 2008, 8:37 am

Congrats on the medallion, T! You have been maintaining and I know you'll continue to work hard to get to where you are most comfortable. You are such an inspiration :) Hope you get that walk in today!
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Postby KeleeGrl » March 17th, 2008, 10:05 am

T you definitely deserve the "trophy" :trophy: and I can guarantee no one sees you as a quitter..you HAVE made it to your goal and as a lot of others have said in here..you are an inspiration to the rest of us...your the reason I'm here and thank you again!
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Postby Sojourner » March 17th, 2008, 10:28 am

Mizz T!!

OMG ~ you are SO not a quitter. What you are is a LOSER... and a big one, at that! :lol:

While I totally understand your ambivalence about your "revised" goal, you seriously need to get over it! I really can't add to what everyone else has said on this topic, I definitely agree with the consensus. That is, you are amazing!

What I did want to add is this: I can't say that you are THE reason for my being here, but you are certainly, without a doubt, a very big reason for my staying here. You continue to inspire, amaze, and motivate me ~ and I offer you a very sincere THANK YOU!!

BIG hugs to you, my friend! :hug:

p.s. The medallion is SO you!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby lifelovinaries » March 17th, 2008, 1:21 pm

Hey there T, i must say YOU WEAR THAT MEDALLION WELL Congratulations. Now the pressure is off and you can keep doing what you are doing!!!!!

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Postby katieb920 » March 17th, 2008, 5:56 pm

That Medallion looks really purdy on ya. YOU SO DESERVE IT. Congrats
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Postby Tawanda » March 18th, 2008, 8:04 am

:hug: !!!

My thanks to each of you!!!

What a day I had yesterday! Finally home at 11 pm after taking my mother to the emergency department at a hospital about an hour away from here. L O N G day and an equally long story about it all. Short version---she was in extreme pain and crying in the morning, saying she was going to die ....still bleeding even though on meds since Friday. I call the specialist and say 'she is no better', the nurse calls her to find out for herself the symptoms (which I am very thankful for). I head to town to return grandchild to their home and to buy groceries/do errands. I get home about 1:30 and there are 3 messages on ans. machine from specialist's office (the first message is from the doctor himself-----long message saying he felt she needed to be admitted to the hospital and to head to the ER with her). The next two messages over the course of the next 2.5 hours was to see if I was home yet and if/which ER we would be taking her so that they could call ahead some orders to admit her.......

I call DH to come home early so he can go with me in case she faints or falls.....we drive 30 minutes to pick her up. She says she is weak and dying......get her into the car, drive almost 90 minutes to get her to the hosp.. She isn't sure she can walk into the hosp.....but does. Finally get her into ER room for evaluation (hosp. is crazy busy of course)....she says she feels better :shock: . Lots more happens (slowly cause they were so busy and overwhelmed).

The ER doctor did admit her for evaluation, no hosp. beds so she stayed in the ER room. We headed home about 9:30, doors locked and we had a hard time getting to the parking garage to get our car (hosp. mazes of corridors......and locked doors......oh yeah). Head home shaking our heads over 'I feel better'.......OH! She told us that she was dying from the pain and bleeding? When asked at the ER what she'd rate her pain/discomfort as from 0-10?? She rated it a 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2!!!! I was open mouthed, slack jawed, eyes popping and peeved!!! Who was sitting in that chair pretending to be my mom???? The lady who was dying from the agony and blood loss just 90 minutes ago......or the one in the chair calmly stating her pain was a 2?

told you it was a long story (and that was the short version) ;)

My weight this morning.....144.5 :D There was a benefit in having a no good, rotten, horrible, stressful day.

My appreciation and thanks to each of you for your kind words and encouragment. :)
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