Good morning!
Thank you again for all the sweet comments and congratulations. This last club seemed to take forever to happen and I was starting to wonder if I wasn't going to ever lose any more.
But, there are still at least 12# that need to vacate the premises (my body) so there is still plenty of work to be done.
The big news around here is that both babies walked on their own yesterday!!! Guess I can't call them babies any longer if they're walking. I didn't watch them yesterday so it was their parents who got to see those first strolls around the living room (neat!!). Both of them took about 5 or 6 steps on their own. I'm eager to see if they let go and walk here today. I'm trying to decide if my life will be easier or harder now that they are able to walk........time will tell.
Weight this morning is 152 (same as yesterday and .5 above ticker). Aiming (wishing) for 150 by roll call.......I thought it was time that I actually placed a mental goal for each week to encourage me to move more and to also get that water drank...
Tonight/tomorrow morning I have to be fasting for some blood work. I won't get to eat until after my appointment---so nothing other than water after my last supplement tonight, until after my doctor's appointment tomorrow---which will be very close to noon. ARUGH! I'm going to call them to ask if I can have black coffee in the a.m. I've had some phelbotomists say yes and some say no......I'm sure hoping the answer is yes.
Make it a great day!
Began MediFast 2/10/07 212#
Reached Goal 3/15/08 147#
Renewed commitment 9/20/09-after regaining 38# (185#)
Reached Goal 1/25/10 147# Maintaining