Tami is off to Cape Cod

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Tami is off to Cape Cod

Postby TamiL » February 19th, 2004, 8:10 am

Hey Mornin all!!
I just wanted to write and VENT a bit here....
I am going to Cape Cod to visit my folks for a few days...coming back on saturday. Thats 2 overnights..and 3 days. My family is 100% Itallian..and believe me when I say that my Mom and Dad literally LOVE TO FEED ME!! I have not told them what I am doing...but I may just have to today when I arrive there. My Dad loves to cook...so Im nervous about this TRIP!!

I bought a cooler and packed it with my RTD shakes and some soup and Chili..and some fast soups (which I love when my tummy is growlin inbetween feedings!!) so Im all set with my meals....I guess IM just more nervous about being in that house....the house where I USED TO BINGE all the time...the house where I know what cabinet makes noise in the middle of the night when I was sneaking food after they went to bed!!

I plan on doing the modified for a few days..eating a healthy meal at night, since I cant get out of that with my Dad..hes already called and asked me what I wanted for dinner (my Dad spoils me still..and Im 32 y/o!!) I told him fish and broccoli!!! Me and my dad were always the last ones to leave the dinner table..I was like the family dog..eating all the scraps off the plates before they hit the dishwasher!! :oops:

So off I go....with my medifast cooler...and a strong will...Im probably going to have DT's from not being on the forum for a few days!! you guys be good..happy shakin..and Ill post at ya soon!!


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Postby ErikaEastwood » February 19th, 2004, 8:50 am

Have fun!!!! hurry back! :)
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Postby elle4nelly » February 19th, 2004, 8:51 am


Enjoy your family! Don't stress over anything. All I have to say to you is this:

" Remember your most deepest Dream, always". And think how beautiful it will be to turn that dream into reality. How sweet it would be for you to be Thin, Healthy wearing a nice little white dress while dinning Al fresco one night with your folks! So what if you forsake temptation just this once. You'll make it up to their culinary lovely highness this summer.
So Tami Darling, don't you come off that train to Thinville USA..."cause if you get off at Spagetti-ville, then you might hitchike to Sausage-ville, then take a pee stop in Parmesan-town....and before you know it...you're at the police station In CRY-Ville USA...telling them cops how your Dream wa robbed away from you and the Dream-kidnapper...well...look a little ...like YOU!

Ciao Bella!

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Postby shineface » February 19th, 2004, 11:07 am


I'm gonna miss you! Funny, I'm going up to my family home this weekend also --- lots of memories in those rooms -- and mine too are reminders of binges and fat and failures and food. Mom and Dad are in FL and I'm headed down to see them in March. JUST LAST NIGHT - I told my folks what I'm doing with MF. My Mom is so intuitive -- I've been telling her for weeks - don't buy alot of food & snacks when I'm coming - so she asked me ... back on WW? what kinda diet are you on? just watchin' it? --- SO I told them and I am commited to staying on when I go down to see them --- OK, got that outta the way - I am hoping by March 10th when I leave that my weight loss will begin to show a little - I can feel it in my clothes but I have so much to lose I don't see it yet.

Anyway Tami - hang in there - we are here for you - I take my laptop everywhere so that I can stay in touch. Nelly said so much in her humorous way ----

BE-There ....Behave and the you'll BE THIN!!!!!! :lol:

Together we will do this!!!!
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Im Baaaack

Postby TamiL » February 21st, 2004, 9:27 am

Howdy my shaker pals...

Nelly..thanks so much for your post!! you crack me up girl!! Im sitting here laughing outloud!! I DID GREAT!! I did end up telling my family what I was doing, and at first, my mom was a bit worried..but I told her all bout the program..and the forum..they just want to see me happy again, and know how much my weight affects my life...They have seen my go thru so much in the last few years since my divorce, that I think they finally see a SPARK OF HOPE in my eyes on this program. They see my determination..and from that, they are just glad I am getting back on track...so needless to say...IT WENT GREAT!! I had lean/green meals both nights...delicious!!

Pam...when you go to see your parents, youll have lost even more weight..and that in itself will keep you faithful to the program!! I was amazed how I was not even tempted to go thru my moms cabinets and fridge to look for FORBIDDEN FOOD!! wasnt even interested...it was so great to be with my family with a CLEAR HEAD!!! no sugar blues..or shame to bear..just quality time!!

I missed reading this forum sooo much..it was only a few days, but its great to be back in my own cozy little home..with my blender and im looking forward to making my favorite egg nog shake RIGHT NOW!! ;)

thanks for all your support .....THINVILLE..here we come!

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Postby Nancy » February 21st, 2004, 9:08 pm

Woo Hoo! You survived! God is good, eh?

My parents are so blown away with my weight loss and so happy for me. They are preparing healthier foods for themselves, they love to use our products for snacks and good nutrition and they never try to get me to eat stuff I shouldn't. I DO so understand your comment about those night time fooders! I know exactly how to take the lid off of the cookie jar without it making a sound...Gulp! We now keep our cookie jars filled with Medifast Meal Bars!

So happy for your weekend success. Who knows? Maybe your parents will want some of our products to provide good nutrition. My Mom has a hard time thinking of things to prepare for lunch for Daddy so she thinks the soups are great - virtually no work and no clean up!
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